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Looking At Water Super Saturation. Entry Task: Use the graph to determine how many grams of sugar will saturate 250mL of water at 45°C.

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Presentation on theme: "Looking At Water Super Saturation. Entry Task: Use the graph to determine how many grams of sugar will saturate 250mL of water at 45°C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Looking At Water Super Saturation

2 Entry Task: Use the graph to determine how many grams of sugar will saturate 250mL of water at 45°C

3 Homework Turn in Practice Ions & Ionic Compounds Section B Summary Questions 5-20

4 Super Saturation Read Aloud

5 Super Saturation 1.How many grams of sugar will dissolve in 200mL of water at 50 °C? 2.Measure 200mL of water & add to a 250mL beaker 3.Measure appropriate grams of sugar & add to water 4.Stir. Observe 5.Heat to 50 °C stirring. 6.Keep at 50 °C until all sugar dissolves. 7.Attach String to pencil 8.Place pencil across mouth of beaker so that the string hangs into the solution. 9.Cover mouth of beaker with plastic wrap 10.Place beaker in a safe location where it will not be disturbed

6 Constructing a Solubility Curve Get out Notebook Paper Write Lab title at top Title: Constructing a Solubility Curve Read Introduction What is the purpose of this lab? Write Purpose of the lab next Purpose: In this lab we will……

7 Constructing a Solubility Curve Review Procedure & Purpose Write Procedure: Rewrite procedure Break steps into smaller pieces Put into your own words Highlight important information Make it specific for you

8 Homework: Pre-Lab: (50% of lab grade) Title Purpose (in your own words) Procedure (broken into smaller steps, in your own words, key aspects highlighted)

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