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W ORLD W AR II B EGINS. W ORLDWIDE D EPRESSION Countries short of supplies Still trying to recover from World War I Economic hardships worldwide.

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2 W ORLDWIDE D EPRESSION Countries short of supplies Still trying to recover from World War I Economic hardships worldwide

3 T HE R EBIRTH OF G ERMANY Allies expected Germany to pay reparations for World War I Didn’t have money to do this Adolph Hitler took power because he convinced Germans that they had been treated unfairly. Believed only Germans with blonde hair and blue eyes were “true Germans” Blamed Jews for many of the problems.

4 N ATIONAL S OCIALISTS - N AZIS Political party with Hitler in charge Grew in power and started an army Soldiers called storm troopers Attacked Jewish people and others opposed to Hitler Put prisoners into terrible prisons called concentration camps.

5 N AZIS IN C ONTROL Took control of German government Hitler ruled as a dictator, an all- powerful ruler. Rebuilt Germany’s economy by preparing for another war Built tanks, guns and other war supplies Wanted to rule the world


7 T HE H OLOCAUST Jews, Gypsies, and people with disabilities hated by Hitler and the Nazis. Put in concentration camps. Some used for cruel medical experiments. Arrested Jews all over the world. Mass murder Jews known as Holocaust. More than 12 million men, women, and children killed. At least 6 million were Jews.

8 O THER D ICTATORS Dictatorship – country ruled by one all-powerful person Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union Francisco Franco ruled Spain Benito Mussolini ruled Italy. Hirohito ruled Japan

9 T HE W AR B EGINS Japan, Italy, and Germany invaded other countries. Sept. 1, 1939, Germany invaded and occupied Poland British and French leaders had enough! Declared war on Germany on Sept. 3, 1939. Unable to stop Germany from conquering other countries.

10 U NITED S TATES D ILEMMA Many Americans believed the U.S. should stay out of the conflict President Franklin Roosevelt promised to keep up out of the war. Prepared for attack just in case. 1 st peacetime draft Men ages 21-39 had to register Started producing war supplies


12 J APANESE I NVASION S PREADS Japanese invaded Indochina - what is now Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam American leaders were afraid Japan would threaten the Philippines and other Pacific islands They were RIGHT!

13 U.S. E NTERS THE W AR December 7, 1941, Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands. Dropped bombs on American ships at the Pearl Harbor naval base. In less than two hours, Japan had destroyed most of the U.S. Pacific fleet. More than 2,000 sailors and 68 civilians were killed.


15 D ECLARATION OF W AR Day after the attack at Pearl Harbor President Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan Congress declared war that same day. Italy and Germany, Japan’s allies, declared war on the U.S. three days later.

16 S IDES ARE D RAWN Axis Powers Germany Japan Italy Allies United States Britain France

17 A MERICANS AT W AR Produced more airplanes, tanks, and other war supplies Created new jobs World War II ended the Great Depression Women took over many of the jobs Power of the federal government grew Rationed, or limited, what Americans could buy so supplies could be sent overseas.

18 P ROBLEMS FOR J APANESE A MERICANS Military leaders distrusted Japanese Americans Were afraid they would help the “enemy” Roosevelt ordered 110,000 Japanese Americans into “relocation camps” Like prisons, fenced in with barbed wire Soldiers guarded the camps with guns Had to sell their homes, businesses, and belongings. Had to wear ID tags Over 17,000 Japanese Americans served in Army units while their friends and families were being locked away by their own country.

19 A N EW K IND OF W AR Moved quickly by tanks, ship, and airplanes. Didn’t live in trenches Bombs dropped by planes destroyed everything including thousands of civilians Covered almost half the world Fought on two major fronts, or battle lines Front 1 - Africa and Europe Front 2 - Pacific

20 D-D AY June 6, 1944, the largest water-to-land invasion in history General Dwight D. Eisenhower led the invasion. American, Canadian, and British troops crossed the English Channel. Landed on the beaches of Normandy, France Many troops died, but the invasion was successful


22 F IGHTING C ONTINUES AT N ORMANDY Allies broke through the German lines Moved inland, pushing back the enemy Germans counterattacked at the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 American General George Patton turned the Germans back. Was the most important general during the invasion of France.

23 R USSIA H ELPS O UT Also fighting the Germans Pushed back from the east. May 1945 Allied troops from the east and west met near Berlin, the German capital Learned Hitler had killed himself. Berlin fell to the Soviets on May 2, 1945 Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945 End of the War in Europe

24 T URNING P OINT Japanese seemed to be winning the war. Then U.S. won a series of naval battles. Japan’s navy never recovered its losses! Allies began forcing Japanese from the lands they had taken over.

25 A S ECRET W EAPON U.S. secretly developed the 1 st atomic bomb. The most powerful bomb the world had ever known. Summer of 1945, the atomic bomb was ready. Truman wanted to end the war quickly to save American lives.

26 T HE S KY E XPLODES August 6, 1945, U.S. dropped the 1 st atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan Flashed like an exploding Sun Mushroom-shaped cloud rose from the city Killed over 75,000 civilians Japan still DID NOT SURRENDER!

27 T HE S ECOND B OMB August 9, 1945, U.S. dropped 2 nd bomb on Nagasaki, Japan Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945 World War II was FINALLY over! Over 300,000 Americans died Over 15 million other soldiers died

28 A C HANGED W ORLD United Nations was formed in April 1945. Supported by U.S. Goal to keep world peace Promote cooperation among nations

29 N UREMBERG T RIALS International tribunal court tried Nazi officials Over 23 nations tried Nazi war criminals in Nuremberg, Germany 12 of the 22 defendants sentenced to death 200 other officials found guilty

30 C HANGES IN T ECHNOLOGY Airplanes major weapon Drones -planes that flew without pilots dropped bombs on cities. Transport planes parachuted soldiers Aircraft carriers launched planes Antiaircraft guns, special cannons Radio detection and ranging (RADAR) located planes and ships

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