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Florence Nightingale Joshua King Source: Used with Permission.

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Presentation on theme: "Florence Nightingale Joshua King Source: Used with Permission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florence Nightingale Joshua King Source: Used with Permission.

2 What would you say about her personality? What of the man she is with? What do you think he feels about her? There are other people in the background as well. Where do you think they all are and why? Do the flags provide a clue? Do the colors in the painting i.e. Red and White have any symbolism? What do they make you think of? Finally, what profession do you think Florence Nightingale is in? Is it indicated by the clothes she is wearing or the colors that dominate the painting? Joshua King

3 She was born in Florence, Italy in May of 1820. Was from a well to do family and sought an education in medicine. Went to London, England to work with the poor and eventually entered hospital administration. Her experiences showed her the lack of roles for women in medicine and she was determined to change it. She is most noted for her work during the Crimean War when she directly supervised sanitation and hospital care. Her reports to Queen Victoria in 1856 about how unsanitary and unprofessional medical facilities were in the military and at home became the driving force for reform. She wrote two books: 1.Notes on Matters affecting the Health, Efficiency and Hospital Administration of the British Army---1857 2.Notes on Nursing---1860 Source:

4 Joshua King Visual Literacy is the ability to critically understand and examine the meaning of an image and/or to create an image that lends itself to this approach. Knowing about how to utilize visual literacy in the classroom can open up avenues for discussion and reflection between the teacher and students in unique ways.

5 Photos and Paintings, for example, capture a moment in time that words simply cannot express in full i.e. ‘A picture is worth a thousand words’. By their nature they are also open to reflection and personal interpretation in a way that allows the teacher to distance him or herself from imposing one view upon students when there are many to be found in visual mediums. They open up a path in the learning process that no other mediums can obtain in regards to immediate reaction and lasting examination, reflection, and discussion. Joshua King

6 Visuals should make an immediate impact i.e. reaction via verbal comment, facial expression, or mental questioning or a combination of all three. There are two distinct approaches to visuals: 1.Decoding: Being able to interpret and discuss an image as it is being created or a previously created one. This is the best approach for teachers and students whom are not artistically inclined. 2.Encoding: Being able to create an image(s) that can be interpreted and discussed by oneself and/or others. The best approach for artistically inclined students and teachers. Joshua King

7 Pictures: Photos or Paintings that capture a ‘moment in time’ that can be explored. The Florence Nightingale painting on the first slide. Drawings: In Print or Digitally created patterns of lines that teachers and/or students can make with minimal time or skill. Doodles and sketches. Charts: Abstract concepts put into a visual form. They should be clearly labeled and easy to interpret. Pie chart on school attendance. Graphs: Mathematical or otherwise numerical data represented in a visual way. Easy to understand and interpret. Bar graph of crime statistics. Posters: A combination of text, lines, color, and images that creates an immediate response in the viewer whether positive or negative. “I Want You for U.S. Army” posters. Cartoons: Line drawings that, alone or sequential, convey a theme or message with characters and cultural references. Thomas Nast’s political cartoons. Joshua King

8 When the school has purchased the license to use it for each computer on the campus i.e. Microsoft PowerPoint, Photoshop, etc. When the software comes with the Operating System i.e. Microsoft Paint on the OS Microsoft Windows 7. What makes a good question? 1.The questions should point to something directly in the visual image and should be able to be expanded upon with discussion. 2.They should be appropriate for the age level taught and should be as clear as possible with more than one right answer. Joshua King

9 Florence Nightingale by Arthur George Walker, R.A. 1861-1936. 1910. Bronze. Part of the Crimean War Memorial located facing Waterkloo Place at the junction of Lower Regent Street and Pall Mall, London. Photograph by George P. Landow 2012. walker/6.html How is this photo and the painting at the beginning similar? Different?

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