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SAC – Radiation Subgroup T. Campos, J. Haggerty, S. Oncley, M. Tschudi, J. Vivekanandan.

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Presentation on theme: "SAC – Radiation Subgroup T. Campos, J. Haggerty, S. Oncley, M. Tschudi, J. Vivekanandan."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAC – Radiation Subgroup T. Campos, J. Haggerty, S. Oncley, M. Tschudi, J. Vivekanandan

2 Radiation cross-cutting needs (no implied priority) cover 2.validation of satellite products using airborne and round-based observations 3.temperature in cloud 4.albedo 5.sea surface temperature 6.forecasts of fire behavior 7.high-resolution data for model assimilation 8.radiation within vegetated canopies 9.surface IR temperature imaging 10.validation of radiative transfer models 11.atmospheric energy budget 12.actinic fluxes 13.vapor and temperature profiling

3 Airborne Radiation Obs Airborne MeasurementCross-cutting needs (#’s from previous slide) Current capabilityFuture need Broadband radiative fluxes2,4,7,10,11nadir and zenith hemispheric Eppleys stabilized platform, HIAPER instr Thermal imaging2,5,6,9,10,11MCRThermal imager Spectral shortwave and long wave fluxes 2nadir and zenith, stabilized platform Radiances (UV to microwave) 1,2,5,6,8,9,13MCR,AIMRHyperspectral and passive microwave imagers, pointing instruments Spectral Actinic fluxes2,12nadir and zenithstabilized platform, HIAPER instr Temperature profiles3,10,11,13Ophir (in-cloud)Nadir and zenith radiometers, mw temp profiler

4 Sfc-based Radiation obs Sfc-based MeasurementCross-cutting needs addressed Current capabilityFuture need Broadband radiative fluxes2,4,8,10,11Incoming and outgoing, 16 sensors more sensors with improved thermal characteristics Radiometric sfc temperature2,8,10,11Narrow-beam, 10 sensors Photosynthetically-active radiation (PAR) sensor 610 sensorsNetwork of 100 low-cost sensors (for CME/ACME) NDVI sensor61 Skye sensor and Spectral Vegetation Radiometer Radiation observation at Oxygen and vapor absorption lines 13 NoneMulti-frequency microwave radiometer

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