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On your white board pick any 6 of the following words: Starter: Geography BingoSourceMouthConfluenceTributaryEstuaryMeanderWatershedFloodplain Drainage.

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Presentation on theme: "On your white board pick any 6 of the following words: Starter: Geography BingoSourceMouthConfluenceTributaryEstuaryMeanderWatershedFloodplain Drainage."— Presentation transcript:

1 On your white board pick any 6 of the following words: Starter: Geography BingoSourceMouthConfluenceTributaryEstuaryMeanderWatershedFloodplain Drainage Basin EvaporationPrecipitationCondensation Ox Bow lake Impermea ble PermeableRun-off

2 Waterfalls. Waterfall clip introWaterfall clip intro – hyperlink

3 Learning objectives  To describe and explain how a waterfall is formed.  To understand how waterfalls are worn away.

4 What is a waterfall?  For your glossary books:  Waterfall A formation where flowing water rapidly drops over a steep cliff.

5 An example of a waterfall – Gulfoss, Iceland

6 Gulfoss is located in Southwest Iceland on the Huita River. Its gorge is 70m deep and 3 km long! All about Gulfoss

7 Gulfoss Waterfall in action

8 Activity 1: Waterfall diagram: Who can replicate it?  Using your white boards watch the following clip and try to replicate the diagram of how a waterfall is formed. Class clip - how do they form? Class clip - how do they form? (2 mins 19) Class clip - how do they form?

9 How did you do?

10 Activity 2: Waterfall formation diagram  Using the diagram on the next slide you are going to draw and annotate the key features of waterfall formation.  Pay attention to your spellings.

11 Activity 2: Waterfall formation diagram

12 Activity 3: How are waterfalls formed? Waterfalls occur when ______ flow over different types of ____. The ____ rock wears away faster than the ____ rock. In time a step develops over which the river _______ as a waterfall. _____also cuts away rock behind the _________. This causes the falls to move back and leave a _____ as it goes. HARD RIVERS WATERFALL ROCKSOFTWATER PLUNGESGORGE

13 Activity 3: How are waterfalls formed? Waterfalls occur when RIVERS flow over different types of ROCK. The SOFT rock wears away faster than the HARD rock. In time a step develops over which the river PLUNGES as a waterfall. WATER also cuts away rock behind the WATERFALL. This causes the falls to move back and leave a GORGE as it goes.

14 Activity 4: Who thinks they can remember the waterfall process?  Come out to the front to try and place the correct process onto the diagram.  Can you do it?

15 Waterfalls

16 Activity 5: Extension task. How is a waterfall worn away? In your exercise books, draw a cycle to show how a waterfall is worn away. Put the labels below on the cycle in the right order.  Hard rock collapses  Soft rock worn away  Waterfall moves back  Plunge pool deepens  Hard rock undercut ?????

17 Waterfalls of the World; Fact File Angel Falls Country: Venezuela Height: 979 metres Number of drops: 47 Iguazu Falls Country: Argentina Height: 82 metres Number of drops: 275 Victoria Falls Country: Zimbabwe Height: 108 metres Number of drops: 1 Niagra Falls Country: USA & Canada Height: 52 metres Number of drops: 1 Scale; Great Pyramid at Giza = 146 metres, Eiffel Tower = 300 metres, Empire State Building = 381 metres How is a waterfall worn away? Soft rock is worn away Hard rock is undercut Plunge pool deepens Hard rock collapses Waterfall moves back

18 Plenary IN PAIRS rearrange the stages of formation into the correct order:


20 Personal study; You are to create a tourist leaflet on Waterfalls Name your waterfall Name your waterfall Where is it? (a map?) Where is it? (a map?) Key facts on your waterfall. Key facts on your waterfall. Photographs/diagrams of your waterfall. Photographs/diagrams of your waterfall. What river is your waterfall on? What river is your waterfall on? Extras? Extras?

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