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1 South & South East Asia 1600 - 1750 Alex Fredman & Alexa Rodriguez Period 9.

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Presentation on theme: "1 South & South East Asia 1600 - 1750 Alex Fredman & Alexa Rodriguez Period 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 South & South East Asia 1600 - 1750 Alex Fredman & Alexa Rodriguez Period 9

2 2 General Question   What do you think were the major social, economic, and political changes in South and South East Asia at this time (1600 – 1750)?

3 3 Economics Changes  Dutch › VOC (Dutch East India Company) – 1602  Objective/Goal: gain monopoly and challenge  Islam › Safavid  Silk Road-carpet, textiles, silk › Ottoman  Black Market › Mughal  1700 – largest economy (2x that of Europe)  Trade with Europe, Arabia, and Africa

4 4 Visual #2

5 5 Political Changes  Dutch › Brutal Rulers  Killed or enslaved Banda Islands for monopoly  Islam › Safavid  Religious and political ruler › Ottoman  Decline after Suleiman  Black Markets  Kaprulu Family › Mughal  Provinces not always loyal (rebellions)

6 6 Social Changes  Dutch › Invaded and brought their culture  Islam › Safavid  Religious and political ruler  Deep faith  Silk Road  Invaded 1722 by Afghan › Ottoman  Diverse population  Women’s rights  Artisticual and intellectual growth › Mughal  Women’s rights  Merchant and noble classes  Heterodoxy (and non-Muslims) abandoned

7 7 Visual #1 Visual #1

8 8

9 9

10 10 Questions  1)How do you think the Europeans affected the development of South and South East Asia?  2) How do you think the European influence in this time period affects modern day Asia?

11 11 Bibliography “Chapter 13: Worlds Entangled, 1600-1750.” W. W. Norton & Company. W. W. Norton & Company, 2008. Web. 15 Oct. 2010..‌college/‌history/‌worlds2/‌contents/‌outline/‌ch13.asp Gascoigne, Bamber. “History of Southeast Asia.” History World. N.p., 2001. Web. 20 Oct. 2010.. Kobe University Library. “Rare Books Owned by Library for Humanities and Social Sciences.” Kobe University Library Digital Archive Rare Books. Kobe University, 2008. Web. 22 Oct. 2010..‌kichosyo/‌e-index.html Wood, Michael. "The Meeting of Two Oceans." MayaVision International, 2008. Web. 25 Oct 2010..pbs.org

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