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Stage XVII ā/ab CLC XVII (away) from + ABL agmen CLC XVII line; procession agminis(n.)

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Presentation on theme: "Stage XVII ā/ab CLC XVII (away) from + ABL agmen CLC XVII line; procession agminis(n.)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Stage XVII

3 ā/ab CLC XVII (away) from + ABL

4 agmen CLC XVII line; procession agminis(n.)

5 animus CLC XVII spirit; soul; mind animī(m.)

6 appropinquāre CLC XVII approach; come near appropinquōappropinquāvī + DAT

7 āra CLC XVII altar ārae(f.)

8 bene well

9 benignus/a/um kind

10 diū for a long time

11 exanimātus/a/um CLC XVII unconscious

12 facilis/facile easy

13 graviter seriously; heavily

14 haerēre CLC XVII stick; cling haereōhaesī

15 hūc CLC XVII (to) here; to this place

16 impetus CLC XVII attack impetūs(m.)

17 īnsula island īnsulae(f.)

18 invītus/a/um unwillingly

19 itaque and so

20 lītus CLC XVII shore lītoris(n.)

21 maximus/a/um very big; very great

22 multitūdō CLC XVII crowd multitūdō(f.)

23 numquam never

24 paucī/ae/a few; a few

25 pervenīre CLC XVII reach; arrive at perveniōpervēnī

26 quondam CLC XVII once; one day

27 recipere CLC XVII take back; recover recipiōrecēpī

28 resistere CLC XVII resist resistōrestitī + DAT

29 sine CLC XVII without + ABL

30 solēre CLC XVII usually; be accustomed soleō

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