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HOW TO KNOW YOUR MESSAGE Christian Media Basics #2 © 2016 Frank Gray.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO KNOW YOUR MESSAGE Christian Media Basics #2 © 2016 Frank Gray."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO KNOW YOUR MESSAGE Christian Media Basics #2 © 2016 Frank Gray

2 When You Get Behind the Mike what Do You Say? (you say what is on your script!)  What are some of the possible things we might want to say?  Do we start with:  What we are thinking?  What the Bible teaches?  What Jesus taught?  What the listener needs to hear?  What the listener wants to hear? © 2016 Frank Gray

3 Our Message: What is It?  How to be saved?  How to find God?  How to live a godly life?  How to find peace and happiness?  How to find the truth?  How to repent and believe?  How to overcome temptation?  How to get on well with other people? © 2016 Frank Gray

4 Or is it…  Enjoying God?  Walking in the Light?  Living in obedience to God ’ s word?  Following Jesus ’ teaching and example?  Kingdom living?  Living a fulfilled life?  Doing good to others?  Holy living?  Becoming a disciple of Jesus? © 2016 Frank Gray

5 One Answer…  We first need to know whom we are talking to  Then we need to know where they are at in their spiritual pilgrimage...  We also need to be aware of the timeliness of our message and how we might make it appropriate © 2016 Frank Gray

6 What Did Jesus Say?  He made many “I am” statements  The Bread of Life  The Way, The Truth and the Life  The Resurrection and the Life  The Good Shepherd  He gave several commandments  Go and make disciples  Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and your neighbour as yourself…  He was the Message and the Messenger © 2016 Frank Gray

7 The fact is..  Our Message is not easy to define…  We might find some important Bible verses..  …but these are inadequate  Jesus ’ parables of the Kingdom (see Matt 13)  The Kingdom of God is like this…  The Kingdom of God is like that…  So what is it in its completeness?  The following Model helps us understand it better… © 2016 Frank Gray

8 A Useful Model Expression Values Beliefs World-view © 2016 Frank Gray

9 Worldview  The way in which a person sees himself in relation to everything else  It is conditioned by personal, cultural, social, geographical, historical and philosophical factors  Christian world-view shaped in obedience to the Word of God  It explains “ why? ” Worldview © 2016 Frank Gray

10 Beliefs  Basic truths:  God: Father, Son, Holy Spirit  Creation  Our Fallen Nature  Revelation of God  Incarnation of Jesus  Redemption from Sin  The Kingdom of God  The Church  The Return of Christ  Cross cultures  Timeless Belief © 2016 Frank Gray

11 Values  The things we consider important  Derived from our world-view and beliefs  Include:  Respect for life  Respect for others  Love not hate  Integrity, honesty, truth  Healthy view of money, wealth and possessions  Gratitude toward God  Forgiving  Etc. Values © 2016 Frank Gray

12 Expression  What we do  What we think (about)  How we behave  Our creativity: what we write and/or make, etc.  Our attitudes  Our relationships  Our love for one another  Our faith in action  Discipleship  The impact we have on our community  What we will be judged by… Expression © 2016 Frank Gray

13 Good Media Content...  Talks mainly about issues of everyday life  Deals mainly with the outer circles of Expression and Values  Points toward Jesus Christ at the centre as the source of Life  Raises awareness of need to believe in Him JESUS Expression Values © 2016 Frank Gray

14 An Incomplete Message (or Gospel)  Incomplete in scope (no practical expression)  Faulty worldview and belief system at the centre. E.g. materialism, existentialism, atheism… © 2016 Frank Gray

15 The Goal of Christian Communication  To awaken faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour  It does not depend on proof (because proof has no need for faith)  It becomes a personal way of thinking through the work of the Holy Spirit  To bear witness to the Light  To bring flavour to life – as Salt  To help ordinary people experience the love of God © 2016 Frank Gray

16 The Words we Use...  The way we tell the Message...  Use words that ordinary people understand  Use stories to carry the message  Build word pictures for the mind  Avoid 'Christian' language where possible © 2016 Frank Gray

17 How Will You Know if Your Message is Received and Understood?  By the feedback you get  Questions listeners ask  Indication that lives have been touched  People being drawn closer to Jesus  By the interest you generate  listeners tell others about your program  listeners interested in participating in your program, etc. © 2016 Frank Gray

18 A Final Word For the Christian it is through the regular reading of the Bible that all these things become ordered in our minds and our entire outlook renewed. It is this transformation through the renewal of our minds that St Paul talks about:  Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed through the renewal of your mind...(Rom 12:2)  By this means our worldview is reinforced, our beliefs sharpened, and our expression radiates God's character, creativity and love © 2016 Frank Gray

19 Read More… on the web:  Dimensions of the Message (on for download. Dimensions of the Message (on  On-line at Media Roles web-site ( message/)Media message/ © 2016 Frank Gray

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