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Do Now How important do you think vocabulary will be on the AP exam?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now How important do you think vocabulary will be on the AP exam?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now How important do you think vocabulary will be on the AP exam?

2 Do Now Name 3 people who you think are the most influential of all human history. For one of these people explain why in 2-3 details.

3 Islamic and Christian Empires 500 C.E.–1000 C.E. Mr. Wood AP World History 101

4 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

5 Today’s Objective Take Notes on videos about the development of Islam and Muhammad as the prophet of Islam

6 Today’s Reading Chapter 13- The Expansive Realm of Islam P. 259 – 278 We will being in class the reading is due:

7 Videos for today Crash Course- Islam- doI8 doI8 Life of Muhammad (PBUH) – 27:35- 42:40 QZnI

8 Ticket Out What did you learn today? Write down 2-4 details

9 Do Now What do you know about the Prophet Muhammad and Islam? 2-4 details

10 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

11 Today’s Objective Take Notes on a video about Islamic Cities of Baghdad and Cordoba Take notes on key objectives on The Expansive Realm of Islam

12 Videos for today Islam: Empire of Faith episode 2- 3:30- 22:45 hQ1Zk hQ1Zk

13 Ticket Out What was unique about the Islamic cities of Baghdad and Cordoba?

14 Do Now What was unique about the Islamic cities of Baghdad and Cordoba?

15 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

16 Objective Compare, combine and synthesis notes about The Realm of Islam

17 Step for going over notes 1. Get into triads- Mr. Wood will put you into groups based on OBJECTIVES -Take triad notes and prepare for short presentation – each group needs a group leader, writer and presenter As each group presents their notes, all other groups take notes where it says triad notes/presentations

18 Ticket Out What is 1-2 positives of our presentations today and 1-2 things that could be better?

19 Do Now What do you know about Islam that you did not before this chapter? 2-3 details

20 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

21 Objective Compare, combine and synthesis notes about The Realm of Islam Take notes about the important information from Crash Course and also a lecture from Yale University

22 Let’s finish our presentations on The Realm of Islam

23 Our videos!! Crash Course- Byzantium/Fall of Rome - ZNWVA ZNWVA

24 Reading and Homework Chapter 16- Two Worlds of Christendom P. 327- 347 Notes of all of the Objective due:

25 Ticket Out How was the Byzantine Empire both similar and different than The Roman Empire?

26 Do Now How is the Byzantine Empire similar and different than Islamic Empires?

27 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

28 Objective Take notes on video focusing on the Reign of Justinian (Byzantine Empire) Take notes on college lecture from Yale on Charlemagne (Holy Roman Empire)

29 Our Videos Engineering and Empire- Byzantine Empire- 1EQ6Q 21:30- 37:00 1EQ6Q Lecture from Yale on Charlemagne- 35:00- end OpvE OpvE

30 Ticket Out How did it feel to take notes from a college class at Yale?

31 Do Now What stuck out to you about the reading on The Two Worlds of Christendom? 3-4 details

32 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

33 Objective Compare, combine and synthesis notes about The Two Worlds of Christendom

34 Step for going over notes 1. Get into triads- Mr. Wood will put you into groups based on OBJECTIVES -Take triad notes and prepare for short presentation – each group needs a group leader, writer and presenter As each group presents their notes, all other groups take notes where it says triad notes/presentations

35 Ticket Out- World Splash Make a sentence out of as many of the following words as you can Charlemagne Economy Christendom Pope Missionaries Justinian Franks Patriarchs Vikings Medieval Theodora St. Benedict Constantinople

36 Do Now- World Splash Make a sentence out of as many of the following words as you can Charlemagne Prophet Muhammad Economy Maritime Trade Christendom Umayyad Baghdad Caliph Pope Mecca Missionaries Justinian Patriarchs Cordoba Vikings Medieval Theodora The Hijra Constantinople

37 Essential Question- Essay Question What are similarities and differences in how religion, trade, science and technology developed and affected the building and maintain of empires in in both the Realm of Islam and The Two Worlds of Christendom from 500 C.E. to 1000 C.E?

38 Objective Compare, combine and synthesis notes about The Two Worlds of Christendom Organizer and prepare Comparative Essay on The Realm of Islam and Two Worlds of Christendom

39 Let’s look at our Comparative Essay 1. Look at question 2. Identify Themes and key words 3. Comparisons – Deep and superficial – Graphic organizers 4. Thesis Statement 5. Write essay

40 Ticket Out Any questions about the Comparative Essay.

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