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BRACKETS * Brackets have one major use: to enclose a word or words in a quotation that were not spoken by the person or source that is quoted.

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Presentation on theme: "BRACKETS * Brackets have one major use: to enclose a word or words in a quotation that were not spoken by the person or source that is quoted."— Presentation transcript:

1 BRACKETS * Brackets have one major use: to enclose a word or words in a quotation that were not spoken by the person or source that is quoted.

2  Use brackets to enclose an explanation located within a quote to show that the explanation is not part of the original quote. EXAMPLE: An eyewitness to the inaugural celebration said, “I have not seen such excitement since the last landslide victory [in 2008].”

3  Use brackets to enclose an explanation that is located within parenthetical text. EXAMPLE: George Washington (the first president of the United States [1789-1797]) was known for his leadership and honesty.

4 EXAMPLES: Re-write the following sentences, adding BRACKETS AND/OR PARENTHESES: -Two presidents John Quincy Adams 1825-1829 and George W. Bush 2001-2009 were sons of earlier presidents. -”The actor’s Lee Upshaw portrayal of a loner will both move and upset you, “ wrote the movie reviewer. -Benjamin Franklin 1706-1790 offered this tip for a good life: “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise still good advice today.”

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