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Chapter 17 Author: Lee Hannah. FIGURE 17.1 Photovoltaic Co-Location. Photovoltaic panels can be co-located with other land uses such as residential roofs.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 17 Author: Lee Hannah. FIGURE 17.1 Photovoltaic Co-Location. Photovoltaic panels can be co-located with other land uses such as residential roofs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 17 Author: Lee Hannah

2 FIGURE 17.1 Photovoltaic Co-Location. Photovoltaic panels can be co-located with other land uses such as residential roofs or open space, reducing impact on natural habitats. From Wikimedia Commons.

3 FIGURE 17.2 Co-Location of Renewable Energy Sources. Although not all renewable sources have the co-location potential of photovoltaics, most renewables can be co-located with some land uses. From Juwi.

4 FIGURE 17.3 Alternative Energy Footprint. The land area required to supply all transportation needs in the United States from different renewable energy sources is shown relative to the overall land area of the United States. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) assumed for wind and solar options. Percentages refer to proportion of total U.S. land area. Figure based on data from Mark Jacobson.

5 FIGURE 17.4 Schematic Diagram of CO 2 Sequestration. CO 2 from industrial sources can be captured at the source and reinjected into spent oil fi elds to enhance recovery or be injected into geologically stable formations for sequestration. If not captured at the source, CO2 can be partially removed from the atmosphere by terrestrial sequestration (vegetation regrowth). Courtesy of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy.

6 FIGURE 17.5 Energy Pathways and Extinction Risk. Global area use of energy technologies by latitude. Average land use by latitude associated with global energy development to 2100. Land use is shown rather than biodiversity loss because at 200 times greater impact on biodiversity for biofuels, no other technology shows on a graph of the same scale. The high area losses for biofuels shown here combine with high concentration of biofuel potential in the species-rich tropics to make species extinction risk from biofuels the highest of all sources by orders of magnitude. Source: N. Snider and L. Hannah.

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