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Unit 1 Short Story Characters. Character Someone involved in the story!

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1 Unit 1 Short Story Characters

2 Character Someone involved in the story!

3 Types of Characters Protagonist – the main character, central figure/the hero Antagonist – character pitted against the protagonist/the villain

4 Types of Characters Major character – a character who plays a significant role in the story Minor character – a character who plays a lesser role in the story

5 Types of Characters Flat character – a character who has one single quality, characteristic, or trait Round character – a complex character who has many distinct qualities or “sides” to him or her

6 Types of Characters Static character – character who does not change in any way in the course of the story Dynamic character – characters whose thoughts, beliefs, or actions change over the course of the story; one who grows in some way

7 Types of Characters Stock character, archetype – character found in literary works over and over (wicked step mother, big bad wolf, etc.)

8 Motivation The force that moves a character to think, feel, or behave in a certain way

9 Character Foils A character that contrasts with another character in an obvious way, highlighting their differences

10 Tall Tale/Folklore Story with unbelievable elements passed down in a particular culture

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