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Engagement and Collaboration Looking back and moving forward Review 2015 – Planning 2016 Ewen Le Borgne E&C team chat 20 January 2016 ILRI Addis Ababa.

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Presentation on theme: "Engagement and Collaboration Looking back and moving forward Review 2015 – Planning 2016 Ewen Le Borgne E&C team chat 20 January 2016 ILRI Addis Ababa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engagement and Collaboration Looking back and moving forward Review 2015 – Planning 2016 Ewen Le Borgne E&C team chat 20 January 2016 ILRI Addis Ababa

2 REVIEW 2015

3 Review 2015: Overall projects planned What did we set out to do (deliverables 2015)? Collaboration projects  / Events and process support (w/ budget cuts) OCS comms rollout Internal communication  CKM strategy and plans, service packs etc.  / E&C survey and campaign AOB?

4 Review 2015: Specific positive aspects What worked: Ongoing good and consistent team dynamics (meeting routine and regular chats/cooperation) Delivering and expanding on events (35 in total!) Getting new clients (CIP, IITA, BMGF) Collaboration projects and getting a foot in other teams BioSciences etc. Being vocal and influencing CKM (and ILRI?) e.g. Dagus, coffee mornings, CKM meetings etc.

5 Review 2015: Specific improvable aspects What could have worked better: Asana trial – not widespread and not harnessed Not enough / incomplete documentation of our work Still not enough visibility / understanding (also because service packs are not finished across CKM) Recharging our work: should be even more systematic Working as 3 silos across CKM? Not enough time to meet face to face?

6 Review 2015: Pending questions and issues What might be at the back of (y)our mind: Our tariff structure for our services? P&OD issues (job reclassification, KRAs etc.) CKM strategy as a whole Budget issues in 2016? …What do you think?

7 PLANNING 2016 Learning & growing Other considerations Targets Pillars & projects Objectives Context (drivers) Principles

8 Planning 2016: AA. Our principles 6+1 I’s: Intention (to effect change, and learn too) Integrity (above any doubt) Integration (with CKM, ILRI, CGIAR, the world) Intelligence (being smart and collecting intelligence) Informality (and fun!) Innovation (there is always a next frontier)  Inspiring results and change For performance, integrity and change

9 Planning 2016: A. Context (drivers) What world are we working in? Competition for funding inside and outside ILRI (in #GlobalDev): many colleagues will be chasing funding (  shorter attention span) CRP phase 2 (Full proposals developed in late March 2016) and a special place for comms generally A changing Consortium Office with possible repercussions for us ILRI focusing on its strategy and CSFs very strongly More ILRI regional focus in 2016 (for funding)? More ILRI focus on internal communication (and collaboration) More virtual events and processes More budget cuts?  recharge!!! Other trends? Digital transformation (working with ICT, finance)

10 Planning 2016: B. Objectives What we should strive for: develop… Bread & butter: Ongoing delivery of event and process support (more virtually) Stronger positioning of E&C/CKM in ILRI and CGIAR Approaching more teams to do more/exciting E & C work Induction program to expand on and improve Soufflés (temporary stuff to fix this year): Collaborating with P&OD and Directorate on internal comms M&E of E&C / CKM Develop our comms support structure Sushis (exciting and daring new stuff): Spearheading ‘focus themes’, CKM week, new models of events/processes Livestock advocacy and global engagement Scanning latest trends and tools (collaboration, virtual facilitation etc.) And?

11 Planning 2016: C. Pillars & projects (1) Our current client base… Projects: Africa RISING, ACGG, (LIVES) Programs: L&F, CCAFS, (LiveGene), LGI, ASSP Themes / Units: P&OD, CapDev, ILVAC Other / External clients: BMGF, USAID, IWMI, IITA, CIP, CIMMYT etc.

12 Planning 2016: C. Pillars & projects (2) Our desired client base… (in addition to previous) ADGG AVCD Africa RISING phase 2 Regions!!! Other willing ILRI teams (ILVAC and BioSciences, forage biosciences, General Directorate, IBLI, BecA etc.) Other CRPs Other CG centres on the Addis and Nairobi campus Any new project / initiative Anyone missing?

13 Planning 2016: D. Targets (tentative) Recharging business: 15 days / month (ELB/BH), 12 days (MN/TG) 30+ events supported (also with Peter and others) 2-3 focus theme campaigns supported this year Good assessment of promising tools (and assessment grid) Our capacity developed in virtual engagement and collaboration (and facilitation) Clear indicators for E&C as part of wider monitoring & evaluation of CKM Service packs for E&C clearly developed Strong overall CKM campaign and clear charging structure Other targets?

14 Planning 2016: E. Learning and growing We want to develop ourselves, E&C, CKM, ILRI, CGIAR, ag development. We can help do this through: Personal development plans that consider CSFs Ongoing E&C chats and Yammer updates Strong contributions to CKM, working around focus themes and connecting all parts of our unit Supporting ILRI internal communication and raising visibility of (E&C and) CKM Connecting with CGIAR’s KMC community Engaging globally on themes relevant Comments?

15 Planning 2016: F. Other considerations P&OD: Performance discussion 2015 and KRAs 2016 due by 29 Feb. 2016 Alignment with ILRI’s CSFs is critical for KRAs Job reclassification results… Integrating with wider CKM work Connection with the whole of CKM through virtual meetings ADD- NBO Connection with leadership chats Yammer to keep each other posted AOB?

16 Planning 2016: Blogging Possible topics… Leftover topics from last year E&C survey & campaign (TG?) Site integration meeting and process in Ethiopia (ELB) Facilitation Community of Practice (ELB) KMC4CRP process (ELB) Livestock advocacy meeting and process (??) Other ideas?

17 Planning 2016: implications of drivers (exactly the same as for 2015 ;p) What these drivers mean: Know your value and (help me) use it Know your plans, time spending, recharging Raise funds, cut costs, recharge! Learn and document Sell E&C and CKM! Expand partner teams (Nbi!) Collaborate on internal comms Be clear on what you want to do, get, contribute

18 Planning 2016: Immediate next steps Review of 2015 + KRAs 2016 Personal development plans 2016 Identify the projects/teams/regions you want to focus on And?

19 AOB? Your turn (again) to share ideas now…

20 The presentation has a Creative Commons licence. You are free to re-use or distribute this work, provided credit is given to ILRI. better lives through livestock

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