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News and Related Issues Ted & Kirsten May 27, 2005 TDWG News since last meeting (April 29th) Organization Issues: how to improve communication Future Plans:

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Presentation on theme: "News and Related Issues Ted & Kirsten May 27, 2005 TDWG News since last meeting (April 29th) Organization Issues: how to improve communication Future Plans:"— Presentation transcript:

1 News and Related Issues Ted & Kirsten May 27, 2005 TDWG News since last meeting (April 29th) Organization Issues: how to improve communication Future Plans: near term and long term

2 Many news since April 29th Operation related Trigger performance related Detector and machine related Trigger software related Trigger Table changes and tests

3 News: Operation Related Fixes to problems related to prescale changes  Rate Limited trigger problem: protection in L2 decision node code (by Daniel W)  ScalerMon DPS algorithm prescaling to 1 prematurely: protection against this and more diagnostic info (by Bill B)  No prescale change in some high lumi runs, caused by unused L2 trigger bits not properly initialized (confuses ScalerMon): protection in Pulsar crate CPU code (by Konstantin A) L2ctrl node stuck when start a new run, requires reset  due to memory leak in L2ctrl code, fixed (by Daniel W) So far, haven’t seen any problem after all the fixes above …

4 News: Trigger Performance related SVT Fast Abort problem fixed in firmware (by Anna Maria)  SVT fast abort re-enabled on May18  At high luminosity (~120E30), with high-lumi table, the online average L2 latency is about 40 us at the beginning of the run (Pulsar L2 without fast abort)  With fast abort enabled, L2 latency is 37 us (~3 us saving)  With Alpha driving, SVT fast abort doesn’t help. The online average L2 latency is about 48 us at the beginning of the run  Overall, we have about 10 us L2 performance gain at high luminosity. The higher the luminosity, the more performance gain (Pulsar over Alpha)  Allows us to increase L1A rate when new EVB opens up downstream EVB Upgrade Review on May 19th: operational in July is possible  at luminosity around 125-127E30, L2 rate saturates at ~395 Hz  deadtime is about 10%, mostly due to waitBusy (~1% due to L2) Let’s see how new EVB will perform…and where is the next brick wall

5 News: Detector and Machine related Central hadron and plug online LER calibrations update on May 20  CHA, WHA, PEM and PHA, effective for runs > 198389 Some CAL related trigger rates have gone up a lot  L1_SUMET90 from 850Hz to 1.7KHz at 50E30;  L1_MET15 from 500Hz to 1KHz at 50E30;  L1_JET10 from 1Khz to 1.3 Khz For details, see main shift e-log entries in the past few days For a summary, see my e-log entry on May 25th, eve shift Machine performance: new record at 136E30 on May 12 deadtime was 10-20% at very beginning of the run all due to Busy, then had EVB problem. L2A saturated at 400Hz. Short run 197985.

6 News: Trigger Software Daniel W (with help from Tom W) have ported all of the post-freeze changes to the Pulsar  Daniel has checked every bit in every event he could find from the Alpha test run 196104 (physics_test_3_02, v7 run), made sure every bit matches between Alpha and Pulsar  He also uncovered a bug in the BMU bit map, fixed it before it is used in real table Tom took care of the ElectronTau (by Peter W) in database, new version of TriggerDB. For details, see trigger table testing e-log (previous page) Alpha crate has been converted into a Pulsar crate, for software development of Pulsar Phase II with CERN FILAR PCI cards.  For better performance, and prepare for Stereo XFT upgrade

7 News: Trigger Tables/tests JET_CALIB_TEST[4,645,656] test runs taken  Run 197658 and 197659 taken on May 9th, processed on May 11th  Data to calibrate the Calorimeter, details see Trigger Table Testing e-log  See talk at the end of this meeting PHYSICS_HIGHLUM_3_03[3,655,570]ready  Prescales to J/Psi to mumu, higher XFT threshold on inclusive muon triggers  Aim to keep us alive at luminosity above 135E30  Yet to see the performance with the recent CAL LERs update  Details is now in Trigger Table e-log PHYSICS_TEST_3_02[9,656,571] run taken finally  Run 198597 finally taken this morning, request for offline process  Mostly check the L2 code which was ported to Pulsar  With a few fixes such as Z to bbbar  Details see Trigger Table Testing e-log Most of the work done by Kirsten and Veronica

8 Organization Issues Had a meeting with spokes and physics group conveners last Friday  To discuss participation of “trigger representatives” from each group TDWG == trigger dataset working GROUP  This has to be a GROUP effort !  Need to encourage young people to get deeply involved  One of the best ways to learn how to be a HEP experimentalist  New ideas could still make a big difference in this mature experiment Without “G”, TDW == Two Do the Work  We have major challenges ahead of us in the coming year  Our system is flexible enough that we know we can handle it  What we need is energetic young people with fresh ideas …

9 Plans: near and long term Near Term Plan: stay alive  Come up with trigger table good up to 150 E30 while fully efficient at lower luminosity  When Kirsten comes back, will move all the changes to the high lumi into default table  Then focus on getting all the triggers under testing into physics table  June 10th Meeting: meet new Trigger Reps! show your plan and results, sign off high- lumi to default  Should keep high-lumi table a pure subset of default table;  Come up with standardize tool to handle DPS offline (manpower promised by spokes)  Expand L2 bits from 128 to 192 Long Term Plan: Grand Unification of the Trigger Table  Many advantages to this …  Possible mostly due to DPS and lumi enable  Feasibility study on going  Will present plan this summer  Prepare to take full advantage of new EVB & SVT upgrade this year  And find out where is the new brick wall… see the rest of talks

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