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Information & Communication Irma Astrauskaitė Joint Technical Secretariat Lead Partner Seminar 13 October 2008, Riga.

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Presentation on theme: "Information & Communication Irma Astrauskaitė Joint Technical Secretariat Lead Partner Seminar 13 October 2008, Riga."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information & Communication Irma Astrauskaitė Joint Technical Secretariat Lead Partner Seminar 13 October 2008, Riga

2 Content  Legal Framework  Why do we need publicity?  What and how has to be done?  Programme title, logo  Where to look for information? 2

3 Legal Framework  EC Regulation 1828/2006 Article 8, 9: explanatory plaque, billboard, emblem of EU, reference to the fund.  Programme Manual Section 7.3: Publicity and Information.  Subsidy Contract Article 6: Publicity. Activities included in the Application Form become compulsory.  Publicity Guidelines of the Programme Will be published on the website. 3

4 Subsidy Contract  name of LP and the Project Partner/-s;  purpose of the subsidy;  amount granted and its portion of the total Project costs;  geographical location of the project;  Progress Reports including the Final Report;  products produced by the Project for information and publicity purposes;  reference to any other information published by any of involved parties. 4 Paragraph 6 (“Publicity”), Point 3. The right to publish Information on Project and products deriving from the Project for information and publicity purposes only:

5 Why? 5  Promote EU and the Programme logo, reference to the funding  Publish information about the Project added-value and benefits the project is bringing to the Programme area & people If publicity requirements are not observed or observed only partly, the related project costs are not eligible and shall not be recovered from European Regional Development Fund.

6 What should be done?  Publish information about project on operating Project Partners’ websites.  Use Programme Logo.  At least one press release at the beginning of the project and one press release at the end of it.  Include the project title, main activities/benefits, amount of funding, contacts as a minimum when publishing information.  Send copy of any publicity and information material produced (e.g. publications, CDs) to the JTS together with a Progress Report.  Keep at least one copy of prepared publicity and information materials at LP institution. 6

7 Information Measures I  Investments  All investments in infrastructure: billboard, poster or a plaque.  If more than 500.000 EUR spent for infrastructure or (re)construction activities – billboard (Logo < 25% space).  Recomended to put billboards and permanent explanatory plaques on smaller infrastructure objects.  Label on equipment must not be removed at least 5 years after the finalization of the project. 7

8 Sticker 8 irmIrma Short Project Title Book-keeping inventory number

9 Information Measures II  Purchases Mark with the Programme Logo (stickers).  Events Add information on no later than two weeks before the event. Display the EU flag in meeting rooms. Logo in meeting rooms and on the documents. 9

10 Information Measures III  Publications, project website, other info tools Display the Logo. Hyperlinks to EU sources ( and Statement: “ This document/material/etc. has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document/material/etc. are the sole responsibility of and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union”. 10

11  Information about your project Form to be filled will be sent to LP. Title of your project (in 3 languages: EN, LT, LV) and main information.  Add your project events Special form on the website. 11

12 12  add event

13 13  Events  Add your event

14 14 Programme Logo Logo of the Programme (Logo + Title) EU flag with reference note Motto Using Programme logo with other emblems or logos:  first from the left side;  at least the same size as other logos/emblems used. Download:  how to implement?  publicity

15 Programme Title Official Programme title: Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme under European Territorial Cooperation Objective 2007–2013 Full title: Latvia – Lithuania Cross Border Cooperation Programme 2007–2013 LV Latvijas – Lietuvas pārrobežu sadarbības programma 2007.- 2013.gadam LT 2007–2013 m. Latvijos ir Lietuvos bendradarbiavimo per sieną programa Short title: Latvia – Lithuania Programme LV Latvijas – Lietuvas programma LT Latvijos ir Lietuvos programa 15

16 Implementation at Project Level  Advice: develop an internal Communication Strategy and Plan for the project involving all partners.  The Strategy and Plan must target both direct beneficiaries and wider public.  Coordinate project communication with other information activities carried out by your institution – use established tools and channels, as well as information specialists.  Keep contacts with the Programme Information Managers. 16

17 Further Information  EC Regulation No 1828/2006.  Programme Manual.  Publicity guidelines on the Project (  Consult your Project Manager or Information Manager at the JTS. 17

18 JTS Information Managers Irma Astrauskaitė Tel.: +371 6735 0611 Mob.: +371 2787 6221 Email: Laura Melne Tel.: +371 6735 0610 Mob.: +371 2862 5489 Email: 18 Contacts

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