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THE AGE OF ANXIETY Objectives… Explain why the Cold War was an “age of anxiety.” Describe how American society reacts to the “age of anxiety.”

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Presentation on theme: "THE AGE OF ANXIETY Objectives… Explain why the Cold War was an “age of anxiety.” Describe how American society reacts to the “age of anxiety.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE AGE OF ANXIETY Objectives… Explain why the Cold War was an “age of anxiety.” Describe how American society reacts to the “age of anxiety.”

2 1)What fears were associated with the Cold War?

3 Secretary of State Dean Acheson 1949-1953 Advocates: “a permanent alert” against Communism

4 National Fertility Rate 1940 - 2,559,000 births per year 1946 - 3,311,000 births per year 1955 - 4,097,000 births per year 1957 - 4,300,000 births per year What is this period in history called? The Baby –Boom Era

5 The Two-Income Family 2) What uneasiness did the development of the two-income family create?

6 Religion & Education 3) How did organized religion & education institutions respond to the Cold War uneasiness and fears of communism? The Reverend Billy Graham

7 Bomb Shelters…


9 Duck and Cover

10 Government propaganda film on civil defense…

11 The Congressional Bunker in Greenbrier, WV The Greenbrier Intro (2 ½ min)...

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