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Blue World Habitat Expansion Rebuttal CCC Hearing October 8, 2015 Item Th14a.

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Presentation on theme: "Blue World Habitat Expansion Rebuttal CCC Hearing October 8, 2015 Item Th14a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blue World Habitat Expansion Rebuttal CCC Hearing October 8, 2015 Item Th14a

2 2 Reproductive Age of Wild Female Orca at First Live Calf’s Birth

3 Known mothers age at first live birth 1973-2015

4 4 Separation Video

5 5 Orca Average of Death

6 69 deaths 37 deaths Average age of known wild orca 1973-2015 compared to SeaWorld orca 1965-2015

7 7 Orca Injuries

8 Northern Resident A5 Pod-A23 Matriline A7 1927-1977 Died at 50 years old A23 (F) “Stripe” 1948-2000 Died at 52 years old A16 (F) Corky2 1964 Alive 51 years old A21 (U) 1967-1973 Died at 6 years old A27 (M) “Okisollo” 1972-2001 Died at 29 years old A29 (U) 1977-1980 Died at 3 years old A43 (F) “Ripple” 1981 Alive 34 years old A63 (U) 1994-1994 Died at 1 years old A69 (F) “Midsummer” 1997 Alive 18 years old A95 (U) “Fern” 2009 Alive 6 years old A ? (U) 2014 New Calf A60 (M) “Fife” 1992 Alive 23 years old Struck by ferry boat & died Struck by boat propeller 2003 Struck by boat propeller 2015 Injuries happen in the wild

9 9 Boat strikes on wild orca

10 10 Injury of a wild orca

11 11 Nakai today

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