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Tsunamis By: Caleb Tompkins What does “Tsunami” mean?  In Japanese tsunami means harbor wave, some people call them title waves, but a tsunami is not.

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Presentation on theme: "Tsunamis By: Caleb Tompkins What does “Tsunami” mean?  In Japanese tsunami means harbor wave, some people call them title waves, but a tsunami is not."— Presentation transcript:


2 Tsunamis By: Caleb Tompkins

3 What does “Tsunami” mean?  In Japanese tsunami means harbor wave, some people call them title waves, but a tsunami is not a title wave.

4 What causes tsunamis?  A tsunami is created by an underground earthquake, volcanic eruptions, sometimes even by meteorites or asteroids,too.

5 How fast do tsunamis go?  When a tsunami begins a big force of water is pushed upward and it goes about six hundred mph. As it travels it looses about one hundred mph. It can travel three thousand mi. in roughly seven hr.  When a tsunami begins a big force of water is pushed upward and it goes about six hundred mph. As it travels it looses about one hundred mph. It can travel three thousand mi. in roughly seven hr.

6 2004 Tsunami  This tsunami caused major damage, many injuries, and very many lives. But after the major tsunami a woman named Malawati was found 100 mi. out at sea!

7 How big does a tsunami get?  Tsunamis width can be as far as 60 mi. long. In the middle of the ocean a tsunami wouldn’t be over 1 ft. high, but as it goes closer to land it starts “feeling the bottom” and it begins to slow down and rise up. It grows to 1,000 ft.

8 Neat fact  A tsunami is not just 1 wave but a series of waves, this is known as a wave train. At most there is 10 waves from 10 to 90 minutes apart.

9 Reducing the effect of a Tsunami People in Japan build walls that are 4.5 meters tall in populated coastal areas, but still this does not fully stop major injuries or death.

10 Flooding  Sometimes water floods areas where tanks filled with chemicals, gasoline, or oil then the water becomes polluted and people start having illness and infection.

11 I hope you listened!  Thank you for your time! I also hope that you listened because you are fixing to be tested over these facts! Please ask your questions now.

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