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I. Golden Age of Athens Thinking Focus: Why were the years of Pericles’ leadership called the Golden Age of Athens? Vocab: agora p. 362.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Golden Age of Athens Thinking Focus: Why were the years of Pericles’ leadership called the Golden Age of Athens? Vocab: agora p. 362."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Golden Age of Athens Thinking Focus: Why were the years of Pericles’ leadership called the Golden Age of Athens? Vocab: agora p. 362

2 2 What is a “Golden Age?” What do you consider the BEST period of your life so far? What made it good? (relationships, work, accomplishments) These same reasons work for a city!

3 3 Pericles “3 Goals” Activity: Discuss with your group three goals for the cafeteria. Write them on your white board.

4 A. Pericles Great speaker - compared to Zeus, elected general over and over 3 Goals: MAP!  1. Military (protect Athens- long walls to sea, powerful navy)  2. Artistic (make Athens beautiful-public buildings and temples) i.e. Parthenon, Acropolis, Temple of Nike  3. Political (strong democracy- equal power between rich/poor )

5 B. Life in a Citizen Family Men:  Home-wife, 2-3 kids, 1-2 slaves, bread and wine for breakfast  Agora -dad went to agora, or marketplace, in long wool tunic  Assembly - dad debated politics, juries ranged from 200-2500 citizens  Afternoon/Evening - outdoor gym and socializing Agora and Acropolis Video

6 B. Life in a Citizen Family Women/Children:  Rooms-looming room (double room to spin wool and dye cloth) and kitchen (grind grain, bake break)  Childcare - boys went to school at 7  Homes - mud brick, could not see difference between rich/poor homes ($ for community, not personal wealth)

7 7 Role-Playing Activity: Yellow: Men in Athens Red: Children in Athens Blue: Women in Athens Pink: Metics in Athens Purple: Slaves in Athens Green: Mining Slaves in Athens 7

8 C. Life for Noncitizens Metics and Slaves:  Metics-couldn’t own property, paid taxes  Slaves - NO legal rights, could buy themselves out of slavery, but only could be a metic, well-treated  Mining Slaves - worst life in Athens, dangerous and overworked

9 II. The Peloponnesian War Thinking Focus: Why did the Golden Age come to an end? Vocab: plague, alliance, philosopher p. 369

10 A. Athens and Sparta Sparta declares war against Athens!  Athens - formed an alliance, or agreement known as the Delian League, w/ city-states to protect it from invaders  Golden Age - changed from an alliance to an “empire”  Population - increased, Pericles took over trade routes, Sparta felt threatened and told Athens to free city-states or war!

11 A. Athens and Sparta Turning Point  Alliances (Delian League) - joined forces w/ Sparta to try and free themselves... more fighting End of War!  Persia - gave Sparta money for a better navy fleet  Aegospotami - port where Spartans battled Athenians and lost, barricaded themselves for months - finally surrendered! Peloponnesian War Animation

12 B. End of the Golden Age Decline of Democracy  Sparta - ruled with harsh rulers, democracy came back but not as strong Socrates  Philosopher - person searching for truth and meaning in life  teacher - taught students to ask questions, gov’t was afraid he was corrupting the youth, was arrested and went to trial - sentenced to death by hemlock *Note: Bring in a picture of someone you think is “GREAT” for Lesson 3!

13 III. Alexander the Great and His Influence Thinking Focus: How did Alexander the Great spread Greek culture throughout the ancient world? Vocab: conquest, Hellenistic 359-323 BC p. 369

14 A. Rise of Macedonia p. 376-7 Map: describe Alexander’s empire in terms of GEOGRAPHY  Graphic Overview: Causes: *Greek philosopher teaches Alexander *Alexander sets up Greek-style cities in conquered lands HELLENISTIC AGE Effect: *Greek culture blends with Egypt, Persia, India and other conquered areas

15 A. Rise of Macedonia 399-338 BC - city-states fought, but no one was as great as Athens once was! 1. Rise of Macedonia  large city-state North of Greece  Philip (Alexander’s father) - military genius: created full-time army, made new battle formations and weapons (catapults, battering rams) 2. Greece Falls to Macedonia  defeated N and W, then S to Greece  338 BC - conquers Greece  kept Athens, reorganized armies, then murdered!

16 B. Alexander’s Conquests He was 20 years old and wanted NEW LAND! He began a:  conquest - victory by force over other peoples *Look at map on p. 376-7 A Closer Look...  How might GEOGRAPHICAL barriers have affected Alexander’s strategies and conquests?  What do you think service in his army may have been like?  Research one of his great battles and describe it with your group

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