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Test Review.  “You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing…” – shows the narrator is insane  Narrator is scared of the old man’s eye  Old man hears a noise.

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Presentation on theme: "Test Review.  “You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing…” – shows the narrator is insane  Narrator is scared of the old man’s eye  Old man hears a noise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Test Review

2  “You fancy me mad. Madmen know nothing…” – shows the narrator is insane  Narrator is scared of the old man’s eye  Old man hears a noise on the 8 th night & asks “Who’s there?”  “Chuckles at the old man's fear” –shows he is cruel/insane  Hides the body under the floorboards  Neighbor calls police because they hear a shriek  Thinks he hears a heart beating

3  Confesses to the murder because he can no longer stand the beating of the heart  Greets the old man nicely because he really cares for him  Casts a beam of light on old man’s face to look at the eye  The narrator feels anger toward the old man, and the old man feels fear  “… a low, dull, quick sound, such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton.” --heartbeat  Heartbeat was the narrator’s own heart

4  Throughout the story, the narrator gradually is taken over by his madness  The heartbeat symbolizes the narrator’s own guilt  “Now, there came to my ears a low, dull, quick sound, such as a watch makes when inside a piece of cotton.” --SIMILE  CLIMAX-- The narrator murders the old man and hides his body  IRONY--“I was never kinder to the old man than during the whole week before I killed him.”  MOOD--SUSPENSE 

5  INTERNAL—Man vs. Self  The narrator struggles to prove that he is not insane  The narrator struggles with the guilt of murdering the old man EXTERNAL—Man vs. Man  The narrator murders the old man because he cannot stand looking at his eye  The narrator lies to the police about committing the murder

6  EXPOSITION —The narrator is angry and scared of the old man’s eye  RISING ACTION- -Each night the narrator spies on the old man as he sleeps until one night he wakes up  CLIMAX —The narrator murders the old man  FALLING ACTION —The police knock on the door and question the narrator because a neighbor reported they heard a shriek  RESOLUTION —The narrator confesses his crime to the police because he cannot deal with the guilt and the sound of his beating heart

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