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An Overview of OCEAN A Small Introduction by Cyrus & Erwin.

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1 An Overview of OCEAN A Small Introduction by Cyrus & Erwin

2 Constructed in Layers Mobility moves stuff Mobility moves stuff Negotiation makes contracts Negotiation makes contracts Searching finds things on network Searching finds things on network Mobility Matching/Searching Negotiation

3 Mobility Provides ability to checkpoint code & state. Transfer both to different location. Resume execution Provides ability to checkpoint code & state. Transfer both to different location. Resume execution Problem has been solved (or there are provisions) by several third party vendors. (Globus/ADK/.NET) Problem has been solved (or there are provisions) by several third party vendors. (Globus/ADK/.NET) Sama is working on (Java based) OCEAN specific implementation. Sama is working on (Java based) OCEAN specific implementation.

4 Searching Problem, locating specific resource in network. Problem, locating specific resource in network. Solutions: Solutions: –Central server –Distributed server –Peer 2 Peer

5 Search language Extremely simple yet flexible. Extremely simple yet flexible. A resource has a name with a couple of features and typed values. These can be used for matching. A resource has a name with a couple of features and typed values. These can be used for matching. <feature name="Stepping" value="2" <feature name="Stepping" value="2" type="numeric" match=">"/> type="numeric" match=">"/> " "

6 Network engine OCEAN allows searching using various protocols: OCEAN allows searching using various protocols: –Simple Connectionless »Plum - Currently just minimal functionality to implement Dr Franks Evolution Scheme (current focus) –Connected »Marco Polo - Cyrus p2p protocol –Hybrid protocol between connectionless/connected protocol.

7 Network Engine Peer Manager Peer Manager –Contains a List of all Peers –Provides »Ability to Send a Messages to Active Peers »Propagate a Received Message »Notify a protocol when incoming socket connections are made »Notify a protocol when a message is received

8 Network Engine Abstract Peer Interface Abstract Peer Interface –Protocols Extend Peer concept as needed »Example: MPF Peers Must track certain stats (later) »Protocols make the selection of the “Active” Peers and make choices to add and remove peers. Protocols interact with Matchers through a generic interface Protocols interact with Matchers through a generic interface

9 Network Engine Matcher / Network Interface Matcher / Network Interface –Matcher Asking Network to look for matches (Searcher Interface) –Network telling Matcher when a match has occurred (MatchListener Interface) –For a seller, the protocol must be able to know if the seller is a match to “search” type of messages (SellerMatcher Interface)

10 MPF Evolution Protocol Overview Track success of peers over time based on successful matches. Track success of peers over time based on successful matches. –For each peer track these vars: »nTrials »nSucesses –Rating = (nSucesses + success Bias) / (nTrials + trialBias) –Decay nTrials and nSucesses over time to ensure new data is weighted more heavily –Using rating to select which are the best peers, communicate with top peers

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