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SPS point 3 LSS3 rearrangement LIU-SPS-200 MHz Power Upgrade May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR.

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Presentation on theme: "SPS point 3 LSS3 rearrangement LIU-SPS-200 MHz Power Upgrade May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPS point 3 LSS3 rearrangement LIU-SPS-200 MHz Power Upgrade May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

2 SPS 200 MHz RF power: some history  The RF-SPS started up in 1976 with two accelerating cavities (technical specs were written in 1971)  For the new role of the SPS as proton-antiproton collider, since 1980, there are four cavities operating @ 200 MHz in the SPS May 26, 2011 2 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 20102000 1976 TWC#1 / TX1 TWC#2 / TX2 1990 1980 1970 1980 TWC#1 / TX1+TX2 TWC#2 / TX3+TX4 TWC#3 / TX5+TX6 TWC#4 / TX7+TX8 RF amplifier 1 mW Coaxial transmission line 125 to 160 meters Accelerating cavity Configuration of one of the four 200 MHz power plant 1 MW 2010

3 Sections and Cavity One section : 11 drift tubes A cavity is composed of sections of cavity One 4 sections cavity May 26, 2011 3 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

4 Cavities redistribution 2011 : 4 cavities 2 x 4 sections 2 x 5 sections + 3 spare sections 2018 : 6 cavities 2 x 4 sections 4 x 3 sections + 1 spare section May 26, 2011 4 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

5 New RF power plant  Amplifier study  Tunnel integration  New RF Building May 26, 2011 5 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR RF amplifier 1 mW Coaxial transmission line 125 to 160 meters Accelerating cavity 1.7 MW RF amplifier 1 mW Accelerating cavity 1.7 MW New RF Building

6 LSS3 (1999) May 26, 2011 6 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

7 Cavities re-arrangement May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 7  It will be a challenge to re-arrange the whole area  8 cavities in 4 sectors : 6 TWC200 + 2 TWC800  2 x 3 sections cavities fit in a sector  1 x 4 sections cavities + 1 x TWC800  Re-use of the ex-SWC sectors (314-321) to re-arrange the pickups (and the dampers ?) 314315316 317 318319320321 314315316 317 318319320321 Straight section

8 Cavities re-arrangement  Due to a realignment campaign, we already disassembled all the cavities between 2001 and 2004  We know all the specific needed components, tooling, transport system  We also checked the coaxial lines distribution: difficult, but possible May 26, 2011 8 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

9 2011 May 26, 2011 9 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

10 3 4 3 4 800 MHz 3 3 2018 ? ? May 26, 2011 10 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

11 May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 11

12 Item identification May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 12 We have listed all items, with their mechanical length, optic, specific position. We miss information -> to be done Half period SPSLNINS0017 314LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF314103045 VEQF SPS8094 7007 VPSAA31420186 VERK31420 6660Ø 159/Ø156SPS 8095 03024 VPSA31440 BCTF31451482 VEVG31451 6178Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCPEB0004 VPSA31460 MBB31470 6640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA31480 MBB31470 6640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA31480 GHM31501860VTSA Ø86/Ø83SPSLGSSS0086 LSDB31505562 VTTO Ø86/Ø83 MDV31507 630 Ø 86/Ø83SPS 8016 2003 BPV31508 SPS 8051 0157 QD31510115 Total length 31998 Half period SPSLNINS0017314LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF314103045 VEQF SPS8094 7007 VPSAA31420186 VERK31420 6660Ø 159/Ø156SPS 8095 03024 VPSA31440 BCTF31451482 VEVG31451 6178Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCPEB0004 VPSA31460 MBB31470 6640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA31480 MBB31470 6640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA31480 GHM31501860VTSA Ø86/Ø83SPSLGSSS0086 LSDB31505562VTTO Ø86/Ø83 MDV31507 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS 8016 2003 BPV31508SPS 8051 0157 QD31510115 Total length 31998 Half period SPSLNINS0018315LengthApertureDrawingOwner QD315103045 VEQD SPS8094 007035 VPSAA31520186 MBB31530 6640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA31540 MBB31550 6640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA31560 MBA31570 6660 VEBA SPS8094 7247 VPSAA31580 MBA31590 6660 VEBA SPS8094 7247 VPSAA31501 GIQ31601655VTTZSPSLGSSS0087 BPH31605767 SPS 8051 0158 MDH31607 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS 8016 1003 BPH31608SPS 8051 0158 QD31610115 Total length 31997 Half period SPSLNINS0019316LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF316103045 VEQF SPS8094 7007 VPSAA31620186 VEEH31620650Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0007 AEPC31632722Ø 86/Ø83SPS 8022 1035Thomas Bohl AEPA31633722Ø 86/Ø83SPS 8022 1058Thomas Bohl VMGE316341617Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCEPB0007 VVSB31636175 ACTCA3163818772 SPSACTCA0085Eric Montesinos VVSB31694175 VESW31694151Ø 159/Ø156SPSVCEPB0002 ACL316953529 SPS 8021005068Eric Montesinos VMNK 31701 439 SPS 8095 005170 GHO31701 SPSLGSSS0088 AEWA31703510.5Ø 86/Ø83SPS 8022 0016Thomas Bohl AEG31705559.3Ø 86/Ø83SPS 8022 3027Thomas Bohl MDV31707 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS8016 2003 BPV31708SPS8051 0157 QD31710115 Total length 31998 Half period SPSLNINS0020317LengthApertureDrawingOwner QD317103045 VEQD SPS8094 007035 VBBH31720186Ø 159/Ø156SPS8095 003006 VEBF31731205.2 SPSVCEPB0084 AEW31731598Ø 86/Ø83 Thomas Bohl APWL (LHCAPW__0008)31732688Ø 88.9/82.8 Thomas Bohl VMNK (VPSBA)31733439Ø 159/Ø156SPS 8095 005170 ACL317333529 SPS 8021005095Eric Montesinos VESW 31739 151.4 SPSVPCEB0002 WSB463 VBBA ACTB3175118498 SPSACTCA0071Eric Montesinos VBBA31797312 VESU31798486Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0004 BPW31799860(Ø 140/Ø133)SPS 8022 000067 AEP317991000Ø 159/Ø156SPS 8022 1012Thomas Bohl VTUC31804807Ø 159/Ø156 MDH31807 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS 8016 1003 BPH31808SPS 8051 0158 QF31810115 Total length 31998 Half period SPSLNINS0021318LengthApertureDrawingOwner QF318103045 VEQF SPS8094 7007 VPSAA31820186 VESA31831860Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0007 BCT31832860Ø 159/Ø156SPS 80051 0275 VESB 318331575Ø 159/Ø156 VGHA VGHB VVSB + VBBA31835312 ACTCC3183722612 SPSACTCA0084Eric Montesinos VVSB + VBBA31899380 BPWA31901860(Ø 140/Ø133)SPS 8022 000067 VTAM31905562Ø 159/Ø156 MDV31907 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS8016 2003 BPV31908SPS8051 0157 QD31910115 Total length 31997 Half period SPSLNINS0022319 QD319103045 VEQD SPS8094 007035 VPSAA31920186 VESF31920200Ø 159/Ø156SPSVPCEB0007 AESA31920231Ø 86/83SPS 8021 0052Thomas Bohl BPWA31931860(Ø 140/Ø133)SPS 8022 000067 AEWB31932566Ø 86/Ø83SPS 8022 0016Thomas Bohl VBBA 31933421Ø 159/Ø156 VVSB VBBA ACTD3193422612 SPSACTCA0086Eric Montesinos VBBA31996137Ø 159/Ø156 VVSB31998447Ø 159/Ø156 BPH31998630 SPS 8014 007512 VPSAA32001497Ø 159/Ø156 LOE32002 1422 SPS 8032 8.51 VTTL32002SPS 8095 3020 LSFA32005SPS 8017 2102 MDH32007 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS 8016 1003 BPH32008SPS 8051 0158 QF32010115 Total length 31998 Half period SPSLNINS0023320 QF320103045 VEQF SPS8094 7007 VPSAA32020186 MBA 320306660 VEBA SPS8094 7247 VPSAA MBA 320506660 VEBA SPS8094 7247 VPSAA MBB 320706640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA MBB 320806640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSAA BPWB32101860(Ø 140/Ø133)SPS 8022 000067 VTTO32105562Ø 86/Ø83 MDV32107 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS8016 2003 BPV32108SPS8051 0157 QD32110115 Total length 31998 Half period SPSLNINS0024321 QD321103045 VEQD SPS8094 007035 VPSA32120186 MBB 321306640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSA MBB 321506640 VEBB SPS8094 7246 VPSA VERK 321716660Ø 159/Ø156SPS 8095 03024 VPSA VERK 321916660Ø 159/Ø156SPS 8095 03024 VPSA LOF32202860VTTMSPS 8017 3103 VTTE32205562 MDH32207 630Ø 86/Ø83 SPS 8016 1003 BPH32208SPS 8051 0158 QF32210115 Total length 31998

13 Draft schedule May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 13 Studies MS Install Build new hardware Year 4Year 3Year 2Year 1Year 5 Studies Building Services RF : Building : 20172014 201320122011 20152016 2018 Year 6Year 7 Tendering Commissioning Authorizations Tunnel :Studies Build New hardware Installation phase 1 (pickups + dampers) Installation phase 2 (cavities) Cavity re-arrangement within a LS ( > 6 months)

14 Persons in charge May 26, 2011Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR 14  BE-RF : Eric, Thomas, Wolfgang  Integration: Frédéric  CV: Michel  EN: Guillaume, Christophe  VAC: Paolo  Transport: Pascal, Serge  Survey: Patrick  Optic: Yannis  BI: Christian  Safety: Guillaume

15 Next meeting  Identify all owners  fill in excel table (please by end of next week)  Is there any strong showstopper ?  Optic  Vacuum  Cooling  Cabling  Transport  Safety  Can LSS3 host Dampers ?  Vacuum re-sectorization  New vacuum valves  Vacuum pumps under cavities : new model ?  List all work to be done during LS1 (=12 months ~ 2013) May 26, 2011 15 Eric Montesinos / CERN-BE-RF-SR

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