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Defining Deviance l Deviance: objective/subjective reality Harm and Intention Extent of Violation l Components Violations Expectations Reactions.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining Deviance l Deviance: objective/subjective reality Harm and Intention Extent of Violation l Components Violations Expectations Reactions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining Deviance l Deviance: objective/subjective reality Harm and Intention Extent of Violation l Components Violations Expectations Reactions

2 Defining Deviance (con’t) l Deviance is a negotiated outcome l Albert J. Reiss Jr. When Deviance Precedes the Norm Failure to Act Overperformances Verbal Performances Performance Criteria

3 Defining Deviance (con’t) l Deviance Beyond Behavior Belief Systems Objects Disease/Illness Insects/Animals Physical Locations Organizations/Businesses

4 Defining Deviance (con’t) l Why Study Deviance? l Deviance and other Fields of Sociology Social Problems Criminology

5 Field Research l Two Basic Types Ethnography Qualitative Studies l Geertz’s The Interpretation of Culture’s “Thick Description l You’re Essentially Flying Solo

6 Field Research (Con’t) l Literature Reviews=critical l Gaining Entry l Characteristics of a Good Field Researcher Ability to tolerate uncertainty Ability and willingness to make mistakes Ability to suspend judgment Willingness to withstand problems with population

7 Field Research (Con’t) l Finding Your Spot l Making Social Observations Physical Surroundings Lighting Color Smell Sounds Objects Weather

8 Field Research (Con’t) l Observations of Members Dress/Hairstyle l Observation of Verbal and Nonverbal Behavior Body Language Facial Expressions Space

9 Field Research (Con’t) l Interviewing l Types Fact finding Informing Altering opinions, feelings, behavior

10 Field Research (Con’t) l Tips for Success Determine Mission/purpose In you we trust Chew the inside of your cheek Wait and take your time Accentuate the positive Fire single shots Who’s the expert? Don’t be clever

11 Field Research (Con’t) l Tips for Success Con’t No Shell Answer Man Verify Separate facts from inference Assessment l Data and Field Notes Working notes Personal Diary

12 Field Research (Con’t) l Trust and Ethics in Field Research Kai Erikson vs. Jack Douglas l Writing Field Research Writing IS analysis--it is a way of knowing l Realist Tales no mention of author in text concrete details of what occurs

13 Field Research (Con’t) l Realist Tales present members’ point of view interpretation of the setting l Experimental Writing Narrative of the self Ethnographic fictional representations

14 Field Research (Con’t) l Experimental Writing Poetic representations Ethnographic drama l Most Field Researchers are between Realist Tales and Experimental Writing Idea of a partnership between the researcher and those he/she studies

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