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The Dative What is the Dative Case?. O Used to indicate indirect objects in a sentence. O Indirect objects are to or for whom the action is being done.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dative What is the Dative Case?. O Used to indicate indirect objects in a sentence. O Indirect objects are to or for whom the action is being done."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dative What is the Dative Case?

2 O Used to indicate indirect objects in a sentence. O Indirect objects are to or for whom the action is being done. O Also used following certain prepositions. O All articles and pronouns change their appearance in this Case.

3 Indirect Objects O We have them and use them in English and auf Deutsch. O An Indirect Object is to or for whom the action is done. O Franz bought Anna the CD. O Franz is the subject. He controls the action of the sentence. O bought is the action. O The CD is being bought. It is receiving the action of the verb. It is the direct object. O Anna is to or for whom the CD is being bought. O The noun or the pronoun identified as the Indirect Object is put into the Dative Case. O Articles and/or pronouns change appearance to reflect this.

4 Prepositions O Dative Prepositions: O aus – out of, from O außer – besides O bei – at, near, with O mit – with O nach – after, towards (a country, city, home) O seit – since O von – from O zu - to

5 Object of a Preposition O Just like English, German has prepositions. O When a noun follows a preposition, in is called an object of a preposition. O When a noun follows a preposition defined as an “DativePreposition,” it uses dative articles.

6 zum Beispiel O Ich gehe zu dir. O Wir fahren mit ihm. O Er wohnt bei ihr.

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