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Covariance in RNA ref " 1 72. Covariance M ij =  fx i x j log 2 [fx i x j /(fx i fx j )] M=0 to 2 bits; x=base type x i x j see Durbin et al p. 266-8.

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Presentation on theme: "Covariance in RNA ref " 1 72. Covariance M ij =  fx i x j log 2 [fx i x j /(fx i fx j )] M=0 to 2 bits; x=base type x i x j see Durbin et al p. 266-8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Covariance in RNA ref " 1 72

2 Covariance M ij =  fx i x j log 2 [fx i x j /(fx i fx j )] M=0 to 2 bits; x=base type x i x j see Durbin et al p. 266-8. D-stem anticodon TCTC 3’acc

3 Mutual Information ACUUAU M 1,6 =  = fAU log 2 [fAU/(fA*fU)]... CCUUAG x 1 x 6 GCUUGC =4*.25log 2 [.25/(.25*.25)]=2 UCUUGA i =1 j =6 M 1,2 = 4*.25log 2 [.25/(.25*1)]=0 M ij =  fx i x j log 2 [fx i x j /(fx i fx j )] M=0 to 2 bits; x=base type x i x j see Durbin et al p. 266-8. See Shannon entropy, multinomial GrendarGrendar

4  trp/  tyrA pair of genomes shows the best co-growth Reppas, Lin & Church ; Shendure et al. Accurate Multiplex Polony Sequencing of an Evolved Bacterial Genome(2005) Science 309:1728 Second Passage First Passage Covariance in lab evolution

5 Sequence monitoring of evolution (optimize transport & drug resistance) Sequence Reppas, Lin & Church

6 Co-evolution of mutual biosensors/biosynthesis sequenced across time & within each time-point Independent lines of Trp  & Tyr  co-culture 5 OmpF: (pore: large,hydrophilic > small) 42R-> G,L,C, 113 D->V, 117 E->A 2 Promoter: (cis-regulator) -12A->C, -35 C->A 5 Lrp: (trans-regulator) 1b , 9b , 8b , IS2 insert, R->L in DBD. Heterogeneity within each time-point. Shendure J, Porreca GJ, et al. 2005. Accurate multiplex polony sequencing of an evolved bacterial genome. Science 309: 1728-32

7 Flux ratios at each branch point yields optimal polymer composition for replication x,y are two of the 100s of flux dimensions

8 Non-optimal evolves to optimal Ibarra et al. Nature. 2002 Nov 14;420(6912):186-9. Escherichia coli K-12 undergoes adaptive evolution to achieve in silico predicted optimal growth.

9 Comparative genome sequencing of E. coli allows observation of bacterial evolution on a laboratory timescale. Herring et al 2006 Nat. Gen 38:1406

10 The Amino-acid Mutational Spectrum of Human Genetic Disease. Vitkup,D, Sander,C, Church,GM (2003) Genome Biol. 4: R72.Genome Biol. 4: R72.

11 Prediction of deleterious human alleles Shamil Sunyaev, Vasily Ramensky, Ina Koch, Warren Lathe III, Alexey S. Kondrashov, and Peer Bork Hum Mol Genet (2001) 10: 591-597


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