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Tor Raubenheimer SLAC ILC Accelerator Efforts SLAC DOE Program Review June 13 th, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Tor Raubenheimer SLAC ILC Accelerator Efforts SLAC DOE Program Review June 13 th, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tor Raubenheimer SLAC ILC Accelerator Efforts SLAC DOE Program Review June 13 th, 2007

2 International Linear Collider – Americas Global Design Effort (GDE) Technically Limited Schedule August BCD All regions ~ 5 yrs Construction  Startup Siting Plan being Developed 2006201020142018 RDREDR Begin Const End Const Engineer Design Site Prep Site Select R & D -- Industrialization Gradient e-Cloud Cryomodule Full Production System Tests & XFEL Detector Install Detector Construct Stolen from Barish at FNAL Users mtg

3 International Linear Collider – Americas ILC GDE Program The GDE ILC program has two portions: –Reference Design Report (RDR)  Engineering Design (EDR) A conceptual design based on sample sites with a cost estimate Engineering efforts are being started for an EDR –R&D Program Presently administered through the different regions ILC Global Design Effort will coordinate effort more globally ILC design timeline –Reference Design in completed in 2007 (RDR) –Engineering Design based on supporting R&D in early 2010 ILC Americas – Americas Regional Team (ART) –Effort spread between RDR and R&D programs –Coordinated by Gerry Dugan and now Mike Harrison based on MOUs between GDE and labs

4 International Linear Collider – Americas SLAC Strengths in ILC Built and operated the 1 st and only Linear Collider (SLC) –Operational experience High availability hardware, Instrumentation, Beam collimation, Emittance preservation, Damping ring instabilities Two-decades of next-generation linear collider R&D –X-band design program was very broad (not just RF design) –>70% of superconducting LC is actually normal conducting –Most of normal conducting experience is transferable Klystrons, modulators, and RF distribution Particle sources, damping rings, beam delivery system Strong MDI (Machine Detector Interface) group Civil design Very motivated and strong group

5 International Linear Collider – Americas SLAC ILC and the GDE GDE formed with 63 people from all three regions: –Nine people from SLAC representing a breath of experience: Chris Adolphsen, Tom Himel, Tom Markiewicz, Ewan Paterson, Nan Phinney, Tor Raubenheimer, Andrei Seryi, John Sheppard Developed the Reference Design Report (RDR) in CY06 –Supposed to be the 1 st priority this year –Big effort from SLAC group – roughly 50% of SLAC ILC FTEs Strong design & R&D program to be coordinated by the ART –RF sources and critical issues for Area Systems SLAC is playing a critical role in the ILC and the GDE –Bring both design and operational experience to the GDE –Leadership of RDR and Engineering Design (EDR) –Strong R&D program aligned with ILC priorities

6 International Linear Collider – Americas Reference Design Report What exactly is the RDR? –A 1 st attempt at an international cost estimate for the ILC using ‘reasonable’ extrapolations from present technology Baseline design mostly established at Snowmass, Aug. 2005 and refined over the next year –Documented sufficiently to estimate cost based on sample sites –Draft report released at Beijing ILC meeting in Feb. 2007 –Final report (~300 pages) to be submitted to FALC in July, 2007 Stated to be highest priority for the GDE in 2006/2007 –Large SLAC participation both in leadership and details –SLAC expertise used to many fill roles that went unfilled ranging from systems integration to Ring-To-Main-Linac to Dumps technical systems to report editing and production

7 International Linear Collider – Americas ILC Schematic –11km SC linacs operating at 31.5 MV/m for 500 GeV (31 km site) –Centralized injector Circular damping rings for electrons and positrons Undulator-based positron source –Single IR with 14 mrad crossing angle –Dual tunnel configuration for safety and availability

8 International Linear Collider – Americas RDR Leadership Matrix (Organization to complete RDR) Matrix of Area Systems and Technical Systems to develop cost estimate –International representation in all working groups SLAC contributions in red RDR Management group: Nick Walker, Tor Raubenheimer, Kaoru Yokoya, Ewan Paterson, Wilhelm Bialowons, Peter Garbincius, Tetsuo Shidara Nan Phinney – RDR editor

9 International Linear Collider – Americas SLAC RDR Efforts SLAC has a broad program where we led many main elements of the ILC RDR design: –RF Power Sources and Main Linac (Chris Adolphsen) –Electron and Positron Sources (John Sheppard & Axel Brachmann) –Ring-To-Main-Linac (Peter Tenenbaum) –Beam Delivery System (Andrei Seryi) –Availability and Operations (Tom Himel & Nan Phinney) –Systems Integration (Ewan Paterson) In addition, there were/are smaller or supporting efforts in: –Damping ring design and low emittance transport (Yunhai Cai) –Normal conducting magnets & power supplies (Spencer & Bellamo) –Conventional facilities and Installation (Fred Asiri) –Controls and beam instrumentation (Ray Larsen) –Dumps and collimator design (Tom Markiewicz)

10 International Linear Collider – Americas Engineering Design Effort (2007-2010) Presently discussing roles in Engineering Design (EDR) We would like to have leadership roles in: –Electron source – no others looking for role –Beam delivery system – working closely with UK Core strength of SLAC group –Rf power sources – critical issue Another core strength of SLAC group –Systems integration and overall parameters EDR organization is not yet formed –Talking with project managers and Barry Barish –Gathering engineering support at labs and developing work plans Likely need to fill other roles as well but cannot let these dilute the main effort

11 International Linear Collider – Americas ILC R&D and Technology Very High R&D priorities (categorized by Global R&D Board): –Superconducting cavities and gradient Gradient of 25 versus 35 MV/m Cavity tuners –Rf sources Improved components for cost reduction Sheet beam klystron and new modulator designs Improved Rf distribution to deal with gradient variation –High availability hardware Controls and instrumentation (ATCA) Power supplies and magnets –Positron target –Instrumentation (BPMs, laser wires, and energy spectrometers) –Damping ring (collective effects, kickers and emittance) –Beam delivery system (crab cavity, feedback and tuning) SLAC SLAC with DESY & ANL SLAC with LLNL and UK SLAC

12 International Linear Collider – Americas Major Test Facilities End Station B –Created new L-band rf Test Facility Develop klystron, modulators and rf distribution for ILC Test normal conducting structures for e+/e- sources Construct coupler test facility End Station A –Study Interaction Region issues and instrumentation –Develop rf source test area to operate 24/7 ATF/ATF-2 (Located at KEK but with big SLAC participation) –Test final focus system using very low emittance beam Will supply rf source, rf distribution, and couplers for ILCTA (linac test facility) at Fermilab and working on other linac test facilities around the world: TTF @ DESY and STF @ KEK

13 International Linear Collider – Americas Developing RF Sources for ILC –Wall plug to coupler – all ‘warm’ technology Developed new concept for modulator ‘Marx Generator’ –Generally recognized as a desirable alternate to baseline –Goal is to down-select modulator technology at the end of 2007 Baseline multibeam klystron still not in hand –Designing sheet beam klystron – risky but should offer lower cost –Would like to purchase Toshiba and CPI 10 MW tube for evaluation –Would like to contract CPI to develop conventional 5 MW tube RF distribution (waveguide, circulators and couplers) –Developing and testing elements of the rf distribution –Constructing a coupler test facility in ESB with LLNL Goal to develop 6 operating rf sources by end of 2009 (8 Cavities per Cryomodule) RF Sources (Chris Adolphsen in breakout)

14 International Linear Collider – Americas RF Test Stands Need to develop operating rf sources for ILC Operating rf test stand in End Station B  Chris Adolphsen –Borrowed, begged, or stole most of the components Borrowed a high power modulator from SNS Purchased a 5 MW klystron for ~10% nominal cost Converted NLCTA infrastructure from X-band to L-band –Using facility to test accelerator structures, coupler design issues, and rf distribution design, as well as process couplers Developing 2 new test stands in End Station B –One for a ‘direct-switched’ modulator that will come from DTI and one for the 1 st Marx generator prototype Ultimately would plan for 5 more rf stations in End Station A as well as 1 full rf unit at Fermilab –Need 10,000’s hrs on rf power systems to understand limits

15 International Linear Collider – Americas RF Test Stand Development L-Band Test Stands: Existing (green), FY08 (blue), FY09 (yellow) ESA ESB (NLCTA) LCLS

16 International Linear Collider – Americas Electron Source (Axel Brachmann in breakout) Polarized electron source –Baseline source similar to SLAC polarized electron source –Working on photocathode, laser, and systems design Optimizing photocathode for lower current with >90% pol. Working on laser system and NC bunching and capture structures Designed e- system gun  damping ring for RDR Polarized photocathode test facility 120KV DC gun with load lock

17 International Linear Collider – Americas e- source e - DR e - Dump Photon Dump e + DR Auxiliary e - Source Photon Collimators Adiabatic Matching Device e + pre-accelerator ~5GeV 150 GeV100 GeV Helical Undulator In By-Pass Line Photon Target 250 GeV Positron Linac IP Beam Delivery System e- Target Adiabatic Matching Device e - Dump Positron Source (Axel Brachmann in breakout) Positron source –SLAC is coordinating the positron source development We lead the RDR design working with LLNL, ANL, and UK –Undulator-based positron source is a large system! –Focused on systems design and capture structure R&D Working with LLNL on target design Working with ANL on AMD and capture simulations Working with UK on undulator design

18 International Linear Collider – Americas Ring to Main Linac (Nan Phinney in breakout) Ended up responsible for this beam line –Spin rotators –Coupling correction –Pre-linac beam collimation –180  turn-around for feed-forward –Multi-stage bunch compression –Emittance diagnostics Longest beamline in ILC design –Complicated accelerator physics BC2 BC1 10 GeV Pre-linac Spin rotator Coupling correction & collimation 180  turn-around

19 International Linear Collider – Americas Beam Delivery System (Andrei Seryi in breakout) IR Hall Service tunnel Emittance diag and coupling correction Tuning dump and fast extraction system Collimation System Main Dump

20 International Linear Collider – Americas Beam Delivery System SLAC is leading the BDS development –Working with UK on optics and R&D on technical components with: BNL on compact FD quadrupoles for 14 mrad X-ing FNAL on background simulations and crab cavity development UK on beam dumps and collimators World-wide MDI group studying push-pull and detector issues Additional R&D at End Station A and ATF2 test facilities –Andrei Seryi is co-spokesperson for ATF2 project at KEK SLAC is making large contributions to ATF2 at KEK –Mike Woods leading End Station A ILC studies Instrumentation development (rf BPMs and spectrometers) Collimator wakefield measurements Electromagnetic interference (EMI) effects

21 End Station A Test Facility For Prototypes of Beam Delivery and IR Components CCLRCLLNLQMULU. of BristolUMass Amherst CERNLancaster U.SLACUC BerkeleyU. of Oregon DESYManchester U.TU DarmstadtU. of Cambridge KEKNotre DameU. of BirminghamUCL Collimator design, wakefields (T-480) BPM energy spectrometer (T-474) Synch Stripe energy spectrometer (T-475) IP BPMs, kickers EMI (electro-magnetic interference) IR Mockup Ongoing program in 2008 PAC05 paper/poster: SLAC-PUB-11180, e-Print Archive: physics/0505171

22 International Linear Collider – Americas ATF-2 at KEK ATF-2 will be the BDS test facility –Follow-on to FFTB –New FFS optics –Operational issues –Train next generation New final focus ILC like optics at ATF-2 Andrei Seryi co- spokesperson for ATF2

23 International Linear Collider – Americas Availability and Operations (Nan Phinney in breakout) The ILC will be an order of magnitude more complex than any accelerator ever built –If it is built like present HEP accelerators, it will be down an order of magnitude more (essentially always down) –For reasonable uptime, component availability must be much better than ever before  requires serious R&D R&D on –Power supplies – building 40 supplies for installation in ATF2 –Normal conducting magnets – started this as part of NLC program –Control system – started investigations in ATCA standard –Component diagnostics – developing small diagnostic board with Pohang Accelerator lab and Argonne –LLRF and timing system – working with large collaboration

24 International Linear Collider – Americas High Availability Power Supplies HA design to be demonstrated at ATF2 using n/M config –US-Japan funds allocated after initial demonstration –40 supplies to be sent in FY08 –Concept is also useful for LCLS

25 International Linear Collider – Americas Supporting Roles Conventional facilities –Make connection between Area System and conventional group –Developed Installation model for RDR Damping ring –Collective effects, primarily ECI and SEY reduction –Damping ring kicker system Low Emittance Transport and SciDAC –Led this field for years -- Educating new participants –Tightly tied to understanding of operational issues Beam instrumentation –Group has led instrumentation development: ATF BPMs, rf BPMs, TTF HOM detectors, laser wires Control system high-availability hardware –Led effort to start study of industrial ATCA standard

26 International Linear Collider – Americas Simulation & Computing Effort on electromagnetic and beam dynamic simulations Leading efforts in both: –ILC group simulating LET and electron cloud instabilities –ACD group doing EM calcs Omega3p model (SciDaQ) deformed cavity Black – design Red/Blue – after cell deformation (#4, …) Electron cloud instability rates Peter Tenenbaum is an ILC representative for SciDAC

27 International Linear Collider – Americas Civil Design Effort Conventional Facilities group has two goals: –Work with local Area System leaders (Electron Source, Positron Source, RTML, and BDS) to specify and optimize civil design Space, power, cooling, layout Access and safety –Develop installation plan Both tunnel installation as well as receiving, testing, and warehousing Group works closely with FESS group at Fermilab on development of a US sample site Central injector and BDS beam lines

28 International Linear Collider – Americas SLAC ILC Goals EDR and Beyond Have leadership roles in the ILC design, construction and ops –Focus on ‘Area’ system in the: Beam Delivery System Electron Sources –Develop technical system designs for: RF Power Sources –Lead the Systems Integration and overall parameters choices –Contribute to many other systems throughout the design Large responsibility but we bring the expertise –Basic goals outlined in 2003 SLAC Scenarios Study This is still a very good fit to SLAC resources and abilities –We need to develop the engineering capability for these goals and focus our efforts more narrowly –Need to understand concepts for ILC construction and operations

29 International Linear Collider – Americas Planning for FY08/FY09 Planning done in the context of delivering a EDR in 2010 –Need to develop an integrated schedule as part of EDR Working with ART to develop budgets FY08 request has increase in funding for rf sources and an increase in engineering for the EDR Working on detailed milestones & work-packages for EDR –Difficult because nobody knows who’s doing what yet Will rebalance FY08 budget after EDR organization and plans are formed

30 International Linear Collider – Americas Summary Broad program –SLAC ILC group is recognized as excellent throughout the world ILC effort builds on core SLAC strengths Strong design effort with beam dynamics studies, integrated R&D and engineering studies –Focused on rf sources, particle sources, BDS, and operation issues –Developing plans through the EDR in 2010 Need to have more focused effort than on RDR R&D program is well matched to ILC needs –RF source work is needed for ILC project – needs differ from XFEL –High availability hardware is essential for operations –Working on test facilities at KEK, DESY, and FNAL –Program is not duplicated at other laboratories around the world SLAC expertise underpins the ILC effort

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