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HOW TO GET CLOSE TO YOUR LISTENER Christian Media Basics #1 © 2016 Frank Gray.

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Presentation on theme: "HOW TO GET CLOSE TO YOUR LISTENER Christian Media Basics #1 © 2016 Frank Gray."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOW TO GET CLOSE TO YOUR LISTENER Christian Media Basics #1 © 2016 Frank Gray

2 Why Are Listeners Important?  Why should we care?  Isn’t our purpose just to get the Message out?  Listeners are people – just like us!  Our Message needs to be understood by the people it is intended for  All people are different  If we don’t get close to people we do not understand them very well  Messages really need to be seen as ‘conversations’ © 2016 Frank Gray

3 Engaging with People  How do we normally make contact with people we don’t know?  Do we find it easy?  What do we talk about?  Is it any different when we use media?  In what ways is it different? © 2016 Frank Gray

4 How Did Jesus Engage with People?  Many times with individuals (who?)  Often with crowds (from a boat)  Needy people came looking for him  He also went to meet them  He met them at their point of need  He spoke with them in Parables: he told stories! © 2016 Frank Gray

5 Possibly one of the highest honours we can give to a person is to carefully listen to them. Why? © 2016 Frank Gray

6 How well do you know your listener?  What does your listener look like?  What does their dress/clothing say about them?  What kind of vehicle do they drive – if they have one?  What age, sex?  Urban or rural?  Education?  Religion? © 2016 Frank Gray

7 What Drives Them?  Describe their basic view of life  What is important to them?  What makes them happy?  Where are they going with their lives?  What ambitions do they have?  What are their hopes and dreams? © 2016 Frank Gray

8  Where do they get their news?  Where do they get information?  Where do they find their entertainment?  Do they connect via the Internet? How?  Are they on Facebook? How are they Connected? © 2016 Frank Gray

9 What interests them?  How much time do they spend reading? Listening? Watching?  At what times of day do they listen?  What are their favourite books, magazines, programs, shows, movies?  Do they want to hear about God? © 2016 Frank Gray

10 ACTION STEPS 1.Do your research - but how? 2.Get out among them 3.Find ways to build bridges 4.Listen to their stories 5.Find out what interests them 6.Find ways of engaging them in program 7.Keep a notebook for observations and ideas 8.Start a focus group or listener panel © 2016 Frank Gray

11 Do Your Research  Develop observation skills  Clearly identify the audience you are interested in.  Find out as much as you can before you meet them:  Where they live  Social background  Review contacts with similar people  What draws you to them in particular? © 2016 Frank Gray

12 Get Out Among Them  Go where they are (not wait for them to come to you!)  Meet with them and engage conversation  Find out what is on their mind (e.g):  What are they happy about?  What are their hopes for the future?  What worries do they have?  What programs would they find helpful?  What is their family situation?  What are their listening habits?  Observe their daily surroundings © 2016 Frank Gray

13 Find Ways to Build Bridges  What points of contact do you have with them?  Family? Sport? Books? Technology? Magazines? Education?  Do you share similar background?  Do you have similar interests? Sport? music? farming? mechanics? reading? photography? movies? © 2016 Frank Gray

14 Listen to Their Stories  Where do they come from?  Are they local people or from the province?  What are their childhood memories?  If they could tell a story what would it be?  Would they like to tell their stories to you?  If so, could you record it? © 2016 Frank Gray

15 Find Out What Interests Them  What would they like to become – if they had the opportunity?  What do they enjoy doing when not working?  If they don’t work how do they spend their day?  If they had $10 (or $100) to spend what would they buy?  What entertainment do they enjoy? TV? Movies? Magazines? Facebook? Etc. © 2016 Frank Gray

16 Give Away the Mike: Engage them in Program making  If they are willing to talk find out if they might be good people to include in your program…  Possible topics :  Where they came from  Their hopes and dreams  What would they like to change in their lives?  What are they afraid of?  What song/music could you play for them on air?  Is there someone they would like to thank?  Can they sing? © 2016 Frank Gray

17 Keep a Notebook  Thoughts, ideas, and observations can come and go very quickly  Write them down each day  Things you see  What you hear that is relevant  What God is saying to you –through his Word, through prayer, through others, etc.  Funny things, interesting facts, etc.  Review your notebook when you make your programs © 2016 Frank Gray

18 Form a Focus Group or Listener Panel  The best way of ensuring programs that meet the needs of your intended audience  Sit down with a representative sample of your audience to listen to sample programs:  What do they like?  What don’t they like?  How could it be improved, etc.?  Conduct a PEPMeet with program staff © 2016 Frank Gray

19 Keep Listening!  Good broadcasters have good ears!  They also care for their audience and want to do the best for them.  Constant listening is the key.  Talk with them. Listen with them. Take them seriously. Monitor their feedback.  Determine if your program is meeting your goals.  Be honest! © 2016 Frank Gray

20 Working As A Team  Remember that T otal M inistry = C ontent + A udience R elations  Audience Relations works closely with Content Team  Also see Audience Relations PPT TM=C+AR © 2016 Frank Gray

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