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1 Interactions Kihyeon Cho March 29, 2011 HEP. What is the world made of? What holds the world together? Where did we come from? the smallest things in.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Interactions Kihyeon Cho March 29, 2011 HEP. What is the world made of? What holds the world together? Where did we come from? the smallest things in."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Interactions Kihyeon Cho March 29, 2011 HEP

2 What is the world made of? What holds the world together? Where did we come from? the smallest things in the world interactions (forces) between them the Universe’s past, present, and future Particle Physics: physics where small and big things meet, inner and outer space meet Tools ?

3 Contents Introduction Fermion-Boson History  Particle and Antiparticle  입자물리학과 노벨상 Quark and Lepton Interactions Conservation Natural Units 3

4 Interactions 4

5 5 입자의 표준모형 (The Standard Model)

6 HEP Journal Club 표준모형 (Standard Model) What does world made of?  6 quarks  u, d, c, s, t, b  Meson (q qbar)  Baryon (qqq)  6 leptons  e, muon, tau  e, , 

7 7 기본상호작용

8 8

9 What holds it together? (The four interactions)

10 Acts on 10 강력 전자기력 약력 2/3 e -1 e -1/3 e 0 charge

11 11 강력 전자기력 약력 Carried by 0 ±1 0 0 charge

12 12 강력 전자기력 약력 Acts on charge 0 ±1 0 0 charge


14 Interaction of Fundamental Particles Quark  EM, Weak, Strong, Gravitational Lepton  Neutrino  Weak only  e, mu, tau  EM, Weak, Gravitational +2/3 e -1/3 e 0 - e 0 ±1 0 0 charge

15 15 Electromagnetic interactions w/ atoms


17 17 Summary of Electromagnetic interactions

18 Electromagnetic Interactions 18 Perkins 1.6

19 19 Electroweak Interactions Perkins 1.7

20 20 Strong Interactions Perkins 1.8


22 22




26 26

27 27

28 28 강력 전자기력 약력 중력 전자기약력 통일장이론 (GUT) 대통일이론 (TEO) 초대칭이론 초끈이론

29 초대칭이론 (Supersymmetry) 29

30 초대칭 이론 30

31 => 초끈이론 31

32 32 초끈이론 (Superstring Theory)

33 33

34 34

35 35

36 Extra Dimension 36 초끈이론 ↓ Extra Dimension

37 37 강력 전자기력 약력 중력 전자기약력 통일장이론 (GUT) 대통일이론 (TEO) 초대칭이론 초끈이론

38 38 References Class P720.02 by Richard Kass (2003) B.G Cheon’s Summer School (2002) S.H Yang’s Colloquium (2001) Class by Jungil Lee (2004) 노벨상이 만든 세상 - 물리학 Newton (2011.3, 2008.10) PDG home page (

39 Thank you.

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