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 The Executive continued after the General election results of February 1974.  This made many loyalists and anti- agreement Unionists very angry.  A.

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Presentation on theme: " The Executive continued after the General election results of February 1974.  This made many loyalists and anti- agreement Unionists very angry.  A."— Presentation transcript:

1  The Executive continued after the General election results of February 1974.  This made many loyalists and anti- agreement Unionists very angry.  A group of workers in industries such as electricity generation and shipbuilding set up a group called THE ULSTER WORKERS COUNCIL.

2  On May 15 th 1974 after the Assembly voted for the Executive to continue the UWC called for a general strike until the power sharing executive and the Sunningdale agreement was finished.  To make sure workers did not go to work the UDA blocked roads and made people turn back home.




6  Within a few days the output of electricity was cut by 60%. The power stations were in total control of the power stations and only Protestants worked in them because of past discrimination.  This meant many people had no electricity at home, hospitals could not work vital machines, sewerage plants stopped working and factories closed.

7  The RUC and the British Army stood by and did nothing. They often just watched as masked UDA men controlled the roads or forced workers to leave factories.  The executive did not control the police and the Army and could do nothing except complain to the British Government that the streets were in the hands of the UWC and the UDA.

8  After two weeks of the strike society in Northern Ireland was close to breaking down. Faulkner and the rest of the executive resigned. This was the end of Sunningdale and the attempt to set up a power sharing government with links to the rest of Ireland.  It had taken nearly two years to set up and it only lasted 5 months.

9  What was proposed by the Sunningdale agreement of 1973.  Why did the power sharing executive 1973-74 end in failure?  What were the aims and activities of the Aprentice Boys and how did they affect life in Derry City?  The welfare state in Northern Ireland.

10  Why did the Apprentice Boys cause tension in Derry City?  The Mc Cluskeys  Bernadette Devlin  What were the arguments for and against siting the new University in Coleraine?

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