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Miracle Specs By Tess Bialorucki Economics Project 2/20/13.

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Presentation on theme: "Miracle Specs By Tess Bialorucki Economics Project 2/20/13."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miracle Specs By Tess Bialorucki Economics Project 2/20/13

2 *Important Note  Miracle Specs is a Sole Proprietorship. All business accomplishments and credit go directly to Tess Bialorucki, the founder and CEO of Miracle Specs. All materials and products are sold directly through Miracle Specs retailers. Miracle Specs does not sell their products through Lens Crafters, Pearle Vision, or any other eyeglass retailer.

3 A Little Bit About What I Do.  I obtained an optometry degree from Harvard, and a business degree from Oxford University  Both my Mother and Father are equally blind and deaf.  I am an optical and audio professional at the College off William and Mary.

4 What are “Miracle Specs”?  Revolutionary break through in eyewear, Miracle Specs temporarily cure blindness and deafness.  Eyeglasses that finally cure what Helen Keller had only dreamed of!  Available to anybody properly diagnosed with either condition.

5 How Could this Be Possible? The crystalized lens releases “chemotherapy-like” energy into the users cornea to expel blockage in order to create a clear image. On both sides of the eyeglasses, laser projectors shoot into the users ear canal in order to re-activate the audio nerves. This makes sounds and vibrations able to reach the users brain.

6 Old or Young Man or Woman Boy or Girl Miracle Specs not only performs a miracle, but they do it in style. Keep up with the latest frames and even sunglasses with a massive variety to choose from!

7 Where Can You Find Us?  Our main branch and laboratories are in Chicago, Illinois.  Other Locations:  London  New York City  Toronto  Los Angeles  Tokyo  Denver  Berlin

8 It Won’t Cost You an eye Or An Ear!  All styles and prescriptions are completely covered by Insurance.  In the absence of health insurance, Miracle Specs are an unbelievable: 299.99$

9 What Miracle Specs Needs to Thrive  I have already successfully located store locations in each city, as well as a main office and laboratory in Chicago.  I expect to take out a loan of 1,000,000 U.S. Dollars to pay for office space rent, lab equipment, product materials, advertisement, and factory labor.

10 Miracle Specs! “I’m All Eyes and Ears!”

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