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R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 H. Alvarez Pol, D. Cortina, I. Durán.

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Presentation on theme: "R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 H. Alvarez Pol, D. Cortina, I. Durán."— Presentation transcript:

1 R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 H. Alvarez Pol, D. Cortina, I. Durán GENP – Univ. Santiago de Compostela Sim

2 A Simulation group for NUSTAR ● A common Simulation and Data Analysis working group for R3B/EXL has been defined, coordinated by Marc Labiche ● First Simulation WG meeting held in May at GSI ● Proposed to the NUSTAR board (5 th /6 th May 2005, GSI) and well received ● Needed approach the other NUSTAR project collaborations as they may be interested to join to this common WG Task of the Sim/Data Anal WG: ➢ Provide a common set of tools and methods: framework, simulation MC,... ➢ Provide common documentation and reference sources ➢ A group of developers eager to help... The common Sim/Data Anal WG should meet about twice a year. Next in Santiago de Compostela, end of Sep 2005 H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 Sim

3 R3B Simulation status H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 ● A first attempt to a common R3B simulation software is already available: ✔ combines two stand-alone programs based on GEANT4 + ROOT ✔ proton recoil detector and calorimeter are included ✔ inelastic scattering reactions available ● Working on a common advanced version of this program under a CVS/Subversion Version Control System ● Download from: ✔ Sim

4 R3B Calorimeter Simulation status H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 Two codes are available for the calorimeter: ● “Old approach” (integrated on the common R3B simulation code) ✔ Simple spheric-layer geometry w/o segmentation ✔ Full interaction / large amount of materials for testing ✔ Used for R3B Technical proposal studies: allows the study of absorption length, Moliere radius and energy loss spectra, single interaction probability, geometry optimization... ● “New approach” (standalone application, under development) ✔ Full segmentation according to the R3B proposal R3B_CAL_01/05 ✔ Hits defined “per crystal” with references to the primary gamma ✔ Allows the analysis of pattern recognition methods for the reconstruction of the original gamma angles and energies Sim

5 Summary and (a lot) to do H. Alvarez Pol – R 3 B Calorimeter Simulation NUSTAR Calorimeter WG – Valencia 17/06/05 ✔ Further development requires: ● Several technical decisions on the general coding ✗ Naming scheme for the classes ✗ Classes for managing the parameter or access to database ✗ Collaboration from the detector groups for deciding data levels (raw, cal, hit...) ✗ Tree structure ✗ Simulation directories structure (CVS scheme) ✗... (actually a lot of other topics). ● Hackers meetings are needed for code development ● Event generators (on going work) ● Manpower ✔ Common Simulation /DataAnalysis WG defined ✔ Simulations working for R3B calorimeter – codes availables Sim

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