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Hierarchy ainee jeong. what is hierarchy? -the organization of content where some elements are emphasized and others are subordinated, signaled by one+

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Presentation on theme: "Hierarchy ainee jeong. what is hierarchy? -the organization of content where some elements are emphasized and others are subordinated, signaled by one+"— Presentation transcript:

1 hierarchy ainee jeong

2 what is hierarchy? -the organization of content where some elements are emphasized and others are subordinated, signaled by one+ spatial or graphic cues, guiding a reader through a text. 1 1. Lupton, Thinking with Type, p. 132.

3 the easy definition


5 more or less - parent elements: superordinate - child elements: subordinate 2 2. Lidwell, et al. Universal Principles of Design, p. 122.


7 cues -spatial: indents, line spacing, placement -graphic: size, style, color 3 3. Lupton, Thinking with Type, p. 132



10 hierarchy is for… -communicating: periodicals, advertisements -structure (and accessibility): websites 2. Lidwell, et al. Universal Principles of Design, p. 122.



13 structure types -tree: child elements below/to the right of parent elements, or other strategies like connecting lines -nest: child elements are visually contained in parent elements -stair: child elements stacked below/to the right of parent elements 4 4. Lidwell, et al. Universal Principles of Design, p. 122.








21 Works Cited Lupton, Ellen. Thinking with Type. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 2010. Print. Lidwell, William, et al. Universal Principles of Design. Minneapolis: Rockport Publishers, 2010. Print.

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