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Buddhism- Principle Beliefs Year 11 SOR. Syllabus Principle Beliefs  The Three Jewels -Buddha -Dharma -Sangha  The Four Noble Truths  The Marks of.

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Presentation on theme: "Buddhism- Principle Beliefs Year 11 SOR. Syllabus Principle Beliefs  The Three Jewels -Buddha -Dharma -Sangha  The Four Noble Truths  The Marks of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Buddhism- Principle Beliefs Year 11 SOR

2 Syllabus Principle Beliefs  The Three Jewels -Buddha -Dharma -Sangha  The Four Noble Truths  The Marks of Existence  Karma, Samsara, Nirvana

3 The Three Jewels


5 The Three Jewels- Triratna  Lotus Flower- Beauty and Purity  Flame- Fires of Transformation  Yellow- The Buddha: An example of reaching enlightenment  Blue- The Dharma (Teachings)- the means to achieve enlightenment  Red- The Sangha (Community)- communal journey to reach enlightenment

6 The Three Jewels- The Buddha  Great debate on influence of the Buddha  Traditionalist View- An example, a soul who exited the cycle of suffering, caring for existence  Changing view- Buddha is a deity, one can pray to and ask favours of  Images of the Buddha




10 The Three Jewels- Dhamma  Totality of the Buddha’s teachings  Recited in rituals and utilised for the basis of all Buddhist Philosophy  Four Noble Truths  Noble Eightfold Path  Teachings passed onto disciples  Inscribed into the Pali Canon (Tripitaka), Sanskrit Canon and Chinese translations of lost Indian texts

11 The Three Jewels- Sangha  All the Buddhists in the world, past and present  Also specifically means the Monks and nuns in monastries  Monks and Nuns travel out of the monastery each day, community provide vegetarian food earning good karma  Lay people look to the Sangha for spiritual guidance, meditation and advice

12 The 4 Noble Truths

13 The 1st Noble Truth  There exists Dukkha (Suffering)  Everything is momentary, here today, gone tomorrow  Suffering exists in all forms “Now this, monks, is the noble truth about dukkha: Birth is suffering, decay is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering:likewise sorrow and grief, woe, lamentation and despair. To be conjoined with things which we dislike; to sbe separated from things which we like- that also is suffering. Not to get what one wants- that also is suffering. In a word, this body, this fivefold mass which is based on grasping- that is suffering” The First Sermon: Vinaya, Mahavagga. (The Buddha)

14 The 2 nd Noble Truth  There is the arising of Dukkha  Suffering occurs due to desire or craving  Humanity is not satisfied with what life offers  If you crave riches- Poverty will feel painful  If you desire comfort- Discomfort will trouble you  Nature of a person and psychological forces that gives rise to individuals wishes

15 The 2 nd Noble Truth  Concept of Karma- Things rise and fall in dependence on each other  Intention to act or the willed action

16 The 3 rd Noble Truth  The cessation of dukkha  Way out of suffering  State of Nirvana- state of not desiring  Buddha was in this state from the age of 40 until death (80)  To enter Nirvana- Three Fold Interrelated Dimensions -Person has utterly eradicated desire, the cause of rebirth/karma -Perfect knowledge of dukkha and an absence of it -Eradication of ignorance preventing individuals realising the nature of existance

17 The 4 th Noble Truth  There is the path leading to the cessation of dukkha  The Eight Fold Path  Putting Buddhist teachings into Practice  The means to end suffering  Avoidance of desire and asceticism known as the middle way

18 The Eightfold Path


20  Each component must be practised simultaneously  Its expected that Conduct is mastered first  Intentional practice of correct behaviour towards all beings- Karma  Meditation- Requires cultivation and discipline of the mind  Empties out emotions and thought patterns, focus on existence  Wisdom- Highest point, total understanding of the teachings of the Buddha

21 The Marks of Existence

22  Annica -Absence of permanence or the idea of Impermanence -One is ever changing, the world is ever changing -There is no self  Dukkha -Suffering that is linked with 5 needs of personality 1) Material 2) Feelings/emotions 3) Need to process sensory/mental objects eg colours, emotions 4) Actions by which people define themselves 5) Descriminitive consciousnes- Ability to dscern what an object consists of

23  Anatta -Idea of non-self -Mind is a constant flow of unstable mental states -Always changing -Upon accepting Anatta, one has seperated themselves from existence

24 Karma, Samsara, Nirvana

25 Karma  Natural Law, unquestioned  Moral Causation  Actions and attitudes have repercussions  Encourages good behaviour- better rebirth in the next life  Encourages sympathy with other forms of life

26 Samsara  Doctrine of rebirth  Endlessness unless enlightened and reach the stage of…..?  Karmic force creates continued existence

27 Nirvana  End point of all souls  Extinguishment of desire for life  Release from the cycle of samsara  Becoming one with the world

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