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Performance comparison of hybird sputtering/evaporation CuIn 1-x Ga x Se 2 solar cells with different transparent conducting oxide window layers Southern.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance comparison of hybird sputtering/evaporation CuIn 1-x Ga x Se 2 solar cells with different transparent conducting oxide window layers Southern."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance comparison of hybird sputtering/evaporation CuIn 1-x Ga x Se 2 solar cells with different transparent conducting oxide window layers Southern Taiwan University 指導教授 : 高至誠 學生 : 邱暐承 A.F da Cunha a,*, F.Kurdeasu a, D.Rudmann b,P.M.P.Salome a JOURNAL OF NON- CRYSTALLINE SOLIDS

2 Outline Introduction Experimental details Results and Discussion - SEM/EDX measurements - Transmission coefficients - I-V measurements Conclusion

3 Introduction A possible approach is the adaptation of existing production equipment such as sputtering systems. The methods employed for Cu(In,Ga)Se 2 absorber layer deposition are coevaporation,rapid thermal processing (RTP) and H 2 Se selenization of Cu(Ga)/In metallic layers. For this purpose we have carried out a comparative study of the performance of solar cells with the usual i-ZnO/ZnO:Al and ITO window layers.

4 Experimental details 0.5 μm(DC-Sputtering) 50nm (CBD) Sputter/evaporation TCO CdS Mo CIGS Glass i-ZnO/ZnO:Al or ITO soda lime glass

5 Experimental details Sputtering/evaporation CIGS i-ZnO/ZnO:Al XRDEDX/SEMI-V Transmission coefficicents CBD(CdS) DC-Sputtering Mo ITO






11 sample(cm -3 ) Absorber carrier density Cell series resistance (Ω) V oc (mV)J sc (mA/cm 2 )F.F.(%)Cell efficiency (%) 12.1×10 16 22.2552.3 27.554.8 8.3 21.2×10 15 11.3389 3754.3 7.8 31.7×10 16 27.5407.4 29.352.1 6.3 41.6×10 15 40.4428.8 33.551.6 7.4 Results and Discussion

12 Conclusion Solar cells have been prepared and studied with CIGS prepared by a two-stage sputtering/evaporation methodand finished with i-ZnO/ZnO:Al and ITO layers. The room temperature DC-magnetron sputtering of ITO has been optimized to obtain properties identical to the more commonly used i-ZnO/ZnO:Al window layer.

13 Thanks for your attention

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