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My Bread By Christopher Makuzulu Contents Page Page 5: The Author’s Word Page 6 –7: Different Types of Bread Page 8: The Recipe Page 9: Getting Ready.

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2 My Bread By Christopher Makuzulu

3 Contents Page Page 5: The Author’s Word Page 6 –7: Different Types of Bread Page 8: The Recipe Page 9: Getting Ready Page 11: Chapter 1: Hygiene Page12 - 13: Chapter 2: Making your doughPage12 - 13: Chapter 2: Making your dough

4 Contents Page Page 14: Chapter 3: Putting the extrasPage 14: Chapter 3: Putting the extras Page 15 -16: Chapter 4: Shaping the loafPage 15 -16: Chapter 4: Shaping the loaf Page 17: Chapter 5: Cooking Page 18 – 19: Evaluation Page 20 – 21: Top Tips

5 Contents Page Page 22: Final Word Page 23: Glossary

6 The Author’s Words All kinds of cool stuff will happen if you eat my cool Christopher’s Super Brioche. Your arm’s will go bonkers and your taste buds will be on fire because of this Super Bread. Bread

7 Different Types of Bread Bread is a type of food that you can eat. The things you can eat bread with are mostly soup, stews and sandwiches. All kinds of breads exist in the world such as: Soda bread - From Ireland Focaccia – From Italy Naan – From India Stottie – From Newcastle

8 Different Types of Bread Baguette - From France Chapatti - From India Bagel - From New York Brioche - From France Tortilla - From Mexico Paratha - From India Crassoint - From France

9 The Recipe In this part I will show you how to make your very own homemade bread that will guarantee to be tasty {Warning: Get an adult to help you}

10 Getting Ready Ingredients 250ml Water ½ sachet yeastyeast 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup of warm water 300g white flour ½ tablespoon butter 1 tablespoon sugar Equipment Mixing Bowl Measuring Jug Baking Tray Spoon Scale Knife

11 Method

12 Chapter 1: Hygiene The First thing you should do is wash your hands. The reason for washing your hands is for touching your bread. Also clean the table since you are going to put your dough on the table.dough

13 Chapter 2: Making your dough To make your dough get the 6 main ingredients flour, water, yeast, salt, butter and sugar. First mix 250ml Water with the 300g Flour. Then, After you have done that put ½ sachet yeast and 1teaspoon salt. Put them in nice and firmly. And them mix it all up. Then put your oil in

14 Making your dough Mix it so they can be smooth After you have did that Knead your doughKnead

15 Chapter 3: Putting the extras The next thing you should do is get your extras but I didn’t put any extras. After you put your extras {which I didn’t} you have to knock it.knock Before Long you need to let it rise.rise

16 Chapter 4: Shaping the loaf Having to shape the loaf will take physical and concentration. To make your very own Christopher’s Super Brioche you need to shape it sort of like a baguette. Then make a hump shape that is dough.

17 Shaping the loaf When you have done get a knife and slice it fatedly but don’t cut it. Leave it to rise for 40 mins so it can rise

18 Chapter 5: Cooking After it rises put it in the oven for 20 – 25 mins and your bread will be ready

19 Evaluation Looks - My bread will sort of look like a sarcophagus. There is nothing that I am not proud with.sarcophagus Smells - Smells as fresh as the sweetest thing. Yes I love the smell

20 Evaluation Tastes -Tastes lovely. I wouldn’t put chocolate chips or sweets. It tastes good with butter.

21 Top Tips These are the top tips you should follow to make a successful bread Don’t cut the bread Check your oven Put chocolate in last Get the exact amount of water

22 Top Tips Get an adult to help you Clean the table and wash your hands Put your dough in a bowl Get your ingredients

23 Final Word Well I hope you enjoy your breads and have a look at all kind of bread websites. Bye for now.

24 Glossary Bread – Bread is a loaf that you can eat. Knead – Kneading is when you punch it and fold it. Knock – Knocking is when you drop the dough once on the table. Sarcoughagus – A mummies case Rise – Rising is when you leave it or 40 mins

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