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PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System (MARES) Rack Flight Activity: launch of the.

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Presentation on theme: "PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System (MARES) Rack Flight Activity: launch of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Muscle Atrophy Research and Exercise System (MARES) Rack Flight Activity: launch of the MARES Rack will be on 19A Description: MARES is capable of assessing strength of muscle groups around a single joint or complete limb by measuring and controlling the interrelation between speed and torque as a function of time. On-Orbit Ops: Reconfiguration is planned for Increment 24.

2 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston

3 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston

4 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Background Launch 19A Reconfiguration I24 Checkout performed during reconfiguration MARES Located F3 in the Columbus

5 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston On Orbit Use Reconfiguration –Take the MARES Rack and hardware from Launch configuration to On Orbit stowage configuration –Build the Vibration Isolation Frame (VIF) Initial Checkout –PIU Power, LED verification –MARES Power, LED verification Future Operations –ESA Commissioning exercise –ESA SARCOLAB experiment

6 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES Launch Stowage Bag MARES Launch Stowage Bag Fences and Straps

7 Transfer from MPLM Remove M01 and MO2 Rotate LSP 90 o Remove MARES Launch Stowage bags Install Electronics into Main Box Remove LSA from LSP Remove Main Box from LSA Remove LSP and Rotate 180 o Attach Pantograph to Main Box Install Chair to Pantograph Install VIF Brackets, Y- Guides, VIF Remove VIF Install PIU Install Main Box VIF Pack On Orbit Stowage Bags from M01 and M02 Bags Cable PIU to Main Box and Power Decable Main Box Attach Main Box to LSP Stow On Orbit Stowage Bags Reattach VIF

8 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Electronics Installation Installation of 7 Components –Servodrive Electronics –Connector Panel –Battery –Hard Disk –Controller Electronics –Supervision Electronics –Power Electronics

9 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Preflight Status Safety - Phase III Rack pkg submitted July 13, review Oct. 8 –Ground safety pkg submitted wk of July 13, comments due Aug. 31 PIRNs in work URC prel. model submitted July 20 Procedures Verification (partial) - July 28, CCE Training w/ Inc. 24 crew – Oct, March IDRD MV, Annex 3, inputs developed M01, MO2, on-orbit bags being built Rack ship to KSC 9/8/09, t/o 11/2/09

10 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston On-Orbit Open Work/Status Flight Rule, Payload Regulations, etc. development A31p trash disposal Activation Definition of MARES operational roles and responsibilities between ESA and NASA.

11 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Operational Hardware Configuration VIF MARES Main Box Pantograph Chair

12 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston -301 -302 -303 Linear Adapter VIF Motor Box, Pantograph and Chair Folded into place LH Shoulder Structure moved to right side Stowage Configuration – Exploded

13 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston -301 -302 -304 Linear Adapter VIF Brackets w/Y-Guides (4X) VIF -303 Stowage Configuration – Rack Removed

14 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Vibration Isolation Frame (VIF)

15 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES launch locations consist of: –Expanded M01 bag (6 MLE volume equivalent) –Expanded M02 bag (4 MLE volume equivalent) –Launch Stowage Bag –Stowage Drawer –Launch Support Adapter (LSA) –Launch Stowage Plate (LSP) HRF MARES Rack Hardware

16 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES Expanded M01 Bag MARES Main Box Electronics MARES Chair MARES Pantograph MARES Head Rest MARES Shoulder Structures MARES Chair Pads MARES Experiment Pads MARES Experiment Connectors VIF Attachment Brackets

17 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MO1BAGMO1BAG

18 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Expanded M02 MARES Foot Support Structures MARES Levers (long/medium/short) MARES Trunk Adapter MARES Ankle Restraint MARES Handgrip adapter/supports MARES Adjustable Structure(s) MARES Experiment Pads

19 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MO2BAGMO2BAG

20 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES Launch Stowage Bag MARES Battery MARES Experiment Pads and Belts On-orbit Stowage Bags

21 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston ON-ORBIT STOW BAGS *Battery not shown Launch Bag

22 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES Rack Stowage Drawer Power Interface Unit (PIU) Cabling SCSI Hard Drive Launch Stowage Plate (LSP) Handles

23 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Stowage Drawer - Launch

24 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston On Orbit Stowage


26 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES On Orbit Stowage Bag 1 M02 –Adjustable Restraint 1 –Adjustable Restraint 1 Attachment –Adjustable Restraint 2 –Adjustable Restraint 2 Attachment –Adjustable Restraint 3 –Adjustable Restraint Connector –Calf Pad –Wrist Pad –Left Anterior Wrist Pad –Rear Thigh Pad –Right Anterior Wrist Pad –Waist/Thoracic Belt Support Launch Stowage Bag –Pelvic Belt –Waist/Thoracic Belt M01 –Front Thigh Pad –Lower Shin Pad –Hip Connector B –Hip Connector A

27 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston BELTS, PADS AND STRUCTURES

28 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES On Orbit Stowage Bag 2 and Ankle Adapter Bag Stowage Bag 2 M02 –Chest Restraint –Dorsal Pad –Trunk Adapter Launch Stowage Bag –Trunk Rotation Pad M01 –Lumbar Pad Ankle Adapter Bag M02 –Ankle Adapter

29 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston TRUNK ADAPTERS, TEMP STOW AND HIP CONNECTORS

30 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston -304 ANKLE ADAPTER

31 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston MARES On Orbit Stowage Bag 3 M02 –Extended Fixing Adapter –Fixing Adapter(x3) –Foot Rest A –Foot Rest Adapter 1 –Foot Rest Adapter 2 –Foot Rest Adapter 3 –Foot Rest B –Foot Rest Pad A –Foot Rest Pad B –Foot Rest Support 1 –Foot Rest Support 2 –Foot Rest Support Adapter –Hand Pad –Handgrip Adapter –Handgrip Support –Large Handgrip Pad –Long Lever –Medium Handgrip Pad –Medium Lever –Short Lever –Small Handgrip Pad Launch Stowage Bag –Arm Pad –Elbow Pad –Long Forearm Pad –Short Forearm Pad M01 –Angular Connector –Upper Shin Pad –Wrist Connector

32 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston D-rings tabs at corners. Attached via bungee, strap, seat track adapter, etc. (ALL BAGS) LEVERS, FOOTREST, PADS AND PARTS

33 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston On Orbit Stowage Drawer –MARES Honeycomb Core –Torque Extension Tool – MARES Calibration Tool –MARES FM DISK

34 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Stowage Drawer On-orbit LAUNCH TO ON-ORBIT: - LSP HANDLES 4X - SPECIAL TORQUE WRENCH EXTENSION - SCSI DRIVE MOVED TO WS2 WHEN PLANNED

35 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Volumetric changes –Previous proposal larger –VIF Brackets limiting Still 2 major locations –Behind Chair –In front of chair Assumes VIF detached –Rests on pantograph –Needs restraint Continuous space limited –Several items large/oddly shaped SCSI Drive moved to WS2 On-orbit Stowed Configuration

36 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Items not intended for re-stow –Pantograph, chair and column –Motor box electronics –VIF Attachment Brackets –Battery Items that need to be re- stowed on-orbit: –Levers, adapters, structures and restraints –Transferred to On-orbit Stowage Bags Items that maintain location –PIU, cables, calibration tool and some spares Items launched separately –Linear Adapter –Vibration Isolation Frame (VIF) *VIF restrained with straps or bungees On-orbit Stowage Configuration

37 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston On-orbit Stowage Configuration VIF restrained with straps or bungees

38 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston Operational Stowed Operational to Stowed Configuration

39 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston 1.Accessories/Laptop Removed and Returned to Stowed Location a.Laptop returned to Rack # b.MARES Accessories returned to appropriate bag (in aisle somewhere) 2.Pantograph Long Arm Rotated 90 o w.r.t Motor Box 3.Chair Column Pushed Down As Far As Possible 4.Chair Back/Seat Folded into ‘Taco’ 5.Short Arm/Chair Rotated Out of Rack Envelope 6.Remove Cable(s) from Motor Box 7.Remove Motor Box/Pantograph/Chair from VIF and Temp Stow 8.Remove VIF from Y-Guides and Temp Stow 9.Remove and Stow PIU+Cables NOTE: Removal is opposite of installation #1b-5 #7 #8 *Shoulder Structures and Headrest removed for clarity Deployed to Stowed

40 PLOT Sept. 2, 2009 Human Research Program (HRP) Stuart Johnston #10#11#12 #13#14#15 10.Latch Motor Box/Pantograph/Chair to rear of rack (chair and short arm removed for clarity) 11.Restow -302 thru -304 on-orbit bags around motor box (chair and short arm removed for clarity) 12.Restow -301 on-orbit bag and Linear Adapter in front of items shown in step 10 13.Rotate Short Arm and Chair into Place (as shown) 14.Arrange Shoulder Structures (as shown) 15.Rest VIF on Pantograph ‘knuckle’ NOTE: Removal is opposite of installation Deployed to Stowed (cont.)

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