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Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program YEAR 3 Information evening Welcome.

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2 Select Entry Accelerated Learning Program YEAR 3 Information evening Welcome


4 Studies completed with the ALP group English English Science Science LOTE: Italian LOTE: Italian Physical Education Physical Education VCE History Units 1 & 2 VCE History Units 1 & 2

5 Studies completed in mainstream Year Ten classes Mathematics Mathematics Art / Technology / Vocational Education and Training programs (VET) Art / Technology / Vocational Education and Training programs (VET) Free selection of Year Ten subjects and / or guided selection into a further Year Eleven (Unit 1 & 2) study Free selection of Year Ten subjects and / or guided selection into a further Year Eleven (Unit 1 & 2) study

6 Student options after Year Three 1. Complete a two year VCE as do most mainstream students. 2. Complete a three year VCE, enables students to: Access a broader range of studies – Year Ten, eleven or Twelve. Access a broader range of studies – Year Ten, eleven or Twelve. Possibility of Extension studies in Year Twelve. Possibility of Extension studies in Year Twelve. Can incorporate one or more VET programs. Can incorporate one or more VET programs. Students may wish to take advantage of International Exchange programs or work placements and then resume studies. Students may wish to take advantage of International Exchange programs or work placements and then resume studies.



9 Pathways and Pathway Planning Mr. Peter McKenzie

10 Career Planning Students need to develop awareness of self: interests, abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Students need to develop awareness of Careers and Occupations. Career Planning is a journey. Students today may work in occupations that don’t exist today. Technology is changing rapidly Students will probably change careers a number of times. There are often many pathways to a career.

11 HINTS FOR YEAR THREE DO subjects you like and enjoy where you have choice. DO subjects you like and enjoy where you have choice. DO subjects that might develop interests and talents. DO subjects that might develop interests and talents. DON’T get concerned if your student does not know what to do when they leave school. The structure of University courses is changing, technology and global issues rapidly changing. DON’T get concerned if your student does not know what to do when they leave school. The structure of University courses is changing, technology and global issues rapidly changing. DON’T worry about being prepared for VCE, students must do subjects from all Key Learning areas. DON’T worry about being prepared for VCE, students must do subjects from all Key Learning areas.

12 SEAL Program Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 3 – students starting to have the opportunity to exercise some choice (year 10 units or accelerate into additional VCE units or VET Music, I.T., Sport & Recreation or Multimedia at Belmont). Year 3 – students starting to have the opportunity to exercise some choice (year 10 units or accelerate into additional VCE units or VET Music, I.T., Sport & Recreation or Multimedia at Belmont). VCE – 2 year or 3 year (may include VET, School Based Apprenticeships or Extension studies). VCE – 2 year or 3 year (may include VET, School Based Apprenticeships or Extension studies).

13 Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) Vocational Education And Training (VET) including: School based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT’s) SENIOR SCHOOL CERTIFICATES Year 11 and 12 Primary Pathway To get an ENTER for University and TAFE Courses Primary Pathway Apprenticeships Traineeships Employment TAFE or Further Education

14 VET (Vocational Education and Training) VET programs may be taken as part of VCE or VCAL and may begin in Year Ten. VCE students obtain: Units 1 & 2 after 1 st year and 3 & 4 after 2 nd year. VET contributes to a student’s ENTER either as Scored Assessment or an increment.

15 Students taking part in VET receive their VCE or VCAL Certificate plus a nationally recognized qualification. Some examples: Certificate II in Automotive Certificate II in Automotive Certificate III in Music Certificate III in Music Certificate III in Multimedia Certificate III in Multimedia Certificate II in Hospitality Certificate II in Hospitality Certificate II in Engineering Certificate II in Engineering Certificate II in Dance Certificate II in Dance Certificate III in Information Technology Certificate III in Information Technology Building & Construction Building & Construction Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Certificate II in Sport and Recreation Certificate II in Hairdressing Certificate II in Hairdressing Full list of programs available from the Student Pathways Centre

16 At Belmont High School we offer: Certificate III in Music, Certificate III in Multimedia, Certificate III in Information Technology and Certificate II in Sport and Recreation In Year Three SEALP students can really only access these programs as students under 15. Students cannot access School Based Apprenticeships until age 15.

17 Why do VET? Offers breadth and diversity to a VCE program, satisfying VCE requirements and contributing to a student’s ENTER. Offers breadth and diversity to a VCE program, satisfying VCE requirements and contributing to a student’s ENTER. Opportunity to pursue a vocational area of interest. Opportunity to pursue a vocational area of interest. Has pathways to further education. Has pathways to further education. Employers consider VET favourably. VET students may have improved employment outcomes. Employers consider VET favourably. VET students may have improved employment outcomes. Many VET programs have Structured Work Placements. Many VET programs have Structured Work Placements. Numbers of students taking part in VET increasing annually. In 2008 approximately 130. Students enjoy VET. Numbers of students taking part in VET increasing annually. In 2008 approximately 130. Students enjoy VET.

18 Extension or Enhancement Studies Highly capable students may access first year University studies as part of their Year 12 year. Highly capable students may access first year University studies as part of their Year 12 year. Students generally have accelerated at Year 11. Students generally have accelerated at Year 11. There are prerequisite studies. There are prerequisite studies. Opportunity for an enhanced ENTER. Opportunity for an enhanced ENTER.

19 What next? Ms. Goode and myself will spend time with the students discussing the year 3 program and the choices students have. Ms. Goode and myself will spend time with the students discussing the year 3 program and the choices students have. Individual discussion with each student and parents if parents wish. Individual discussion with each student and parents if parents wish. If students wish to take part in an additional VCE study an “Expression of Interest” needs to be completed. If students wish to take part in an additional VCE study an “Expression of Interest” needs to be completed. VET applications due to the Student pathways Centre by 10 th September. VET applications due to the Student pathways Centre by 10 th September. Subject selection forms for selection of Year Ten subjects due end of term three. Subject selection forms for selection of Year Ten subjects due end of term three. During year 3, extensive counseling on VCE program and subject selection. During year 3, extensive counseling on VCE program and subject selection.


21 Mr. Peter McKenzie Pathway Planning, Career advice and VET Ms Lesley Goode Contacts: Ms Margot Milne – VCE Manager

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