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Early Years Study 3: Making decisions, Taking action Margaret McCain, Fraser Mustard & Kerry McCuaig.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Years Study 3: Making decisions, Taking action Margaret McCain, Fraser Mustard & Kerry McCuaig."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Years Study 3: Making decisions, Taking action Margaret McCain, Fraser Mustard & Kerry McCuaig

2 Changing families

3 Changing communities

4 Mothers’ labour is essential

5 Early childhood last a lifetime

6 Factors affecting outcomes

7 ECE quality and duration matter

8 Quality linked to better outcomes

9 Universal access promotes equity

10 Universal access needed

11 Cost of early school leavers

12 Literacy and civic engagement

13 ECE is economic development

14 Jobs created per thousand increase in early childhood workforce

15 Done right, early education pays for itself

16 Provinces have prioritized ECE

17 More children attending ECE

18 More attention to monitoring

19 The Early Childhood Education Report Organized into five categories. 1.Governance: Is the oversight of early education split between multiple departments, or does it have coherent direction backed by policies with goals, timelines and sound service delivery? 2.Funding: Is it adequate to support program quality and provide reasonable access? 3.Access: Are there enough programs to meet demand? Are barriers to participation addressed?

20 The Early Childhood Education Report 4.Learning environment: Is quality supported by curricula, program standards and trained and adequate staffing? 5.Accountability: Is there constant quality improvement supported by data collection and the monitoring and reporting of child outcomes? Is research supported and the findings incorporated into practice?

21 Oversight and policy

22 Funding to improve access and stability

23 Equitable access

24 Quality in the early learning environment

25 More attention to monitoring



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