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To “Friend” or not to “Friend” Social Networking Teaching and Learning with Technology Roundtable February 23, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "To “Friend” or not to “Friend” Social Networking Teaching and Learning with Technology Roundtable February 23, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 To “Friend” or not to “Friend” Social Networking Teaching and Learning with Technology Roundtable February 23, 2010


3 SN’s and their Goals and TA Publication tools with blogs (Typepad, Blogger…), wikis (Wikipedia, Wikia, Wetpaint…) and citizen journalism portals (Digg, Newsvine…)TypepadBloggerWikipediaWikiaWetpaintDiggNewsvine Sharing tools for videos (YouTube…), pictures (FlickR…), links (, Ma.gnolia…), music (, iLike…), slideshows (Slideshare), products reviews (Crowdstorm, Stylehive…) or products feedbacks (Feedback 2.0, GetSatisfaction…)YouTubeFlickRdel.icio.usMa.gnoliaLast.fmiLikeSlideshareCrowdstormStylehiveFeedback 2.0GetSatisfaction Discussions tools like forums (PHPbb, vBulletin, Phorum…), video forums (Seesmic), instant messaging (Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live Messenger, Meebo…) and VoIP (Skype, Google Talk…)PHPbbvBulletinPhorumSeesmicYahoo! MessengerWindows Live MessengerMeeboSkypeGoogle Talk Social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, Hi5, Orkut LinkedIn, Boompa Ning)FacebookMySpaceBeboHi5OrkutLinkedInBoompaNing Micropublication tools (Twitter, Pownce, Jaiku, Plurk, Adocu…)TwitterPownceJaikuPlurkAdocu livecast hosting (, BlogTV, Yahoo! Live, UStream…)Justin.tvBlogTVYahoo! LiveUStream Virtual worlds (Second Life, Entropia Universe, There…),Second LifeEntropia UniverseThere 3D chats (Habbo, IMVU Stardoll, Club Penguin…)HabboIMVUStardollClub Penguin Social gaming platforms (ImInLikeWithYou, Doof Pogo, Cafe, Kongregate…)ImInLikeWithYouDoofPogoCafeKongregate MMO (Neopets, Gaia Online, Kart Rider, Drift City, Maple Story)NeopetsGaia OnlineKart RiderDrift CityMaple Story MMORPG (World of Warcraft, Age of Conan…)World of WarcraftAge of Conan Adapted from

4 Strategize your SN 1.Know your audience – Different Social Networks have different purposes. – What is your goal for social networking? – What audience do you want to connect with? – Which social networking application meets your goals?

5 Public Persona know what you are putting out there and who can see it

6 Privacy Settings Use them to your advantage

7 MSMC on Facebook The college’s persona

8 Students To Friend or Not? – Depends on your SN goals

9 Employers Don’t Hire Based on SN Oregon Business Report, August 24, 2009

10 Employers Do Hire Based on SN Oregon Business Report, August 24, 2009

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