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The British Empire – India The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire.

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1 The British Empire – India The Sun Never Sets on the British Empire


3  British wants to rule India because they want to be more wealthy, they can have more goods from India, which make themselves richer, like: indigo, tea, coffee, silk, etc.  They want to rule India because that makes them more powerful that no country can defeat them.  British want to get more goods from India because they can earn more money and they can use more goods that are from different countries. Why did the British want to get more influence or control over India?

4 What did British achieve for India and what were its failures? Achievements:  When Britain occupied India it brought to the country the western technology culture which had its good effects, they included:  Law System (which India is very famous for)  Technology (cars did not exist in India before the British occupation)  Education (most of the population was illiterate before the British rule came)  Government (the British brought voting and democracy) Supreme Court of India VS

5 Failures  The British rule came unwelcome and unwanted. However they stayed for their own benefits in trading of goods. This created many disadvantages and problems for the local people such as:  Tax  Racism  This caused the people to protest and in one occasion, the British trying to stop a protest resulted in the Amritsar Massacre. The quick departure also resulted in civil war between Muslims and Hindus and led to the divide which made Pakistan an independent country for Muslims.


7  Parliamentary democracy where leaders are voted in.  English is spoken in India  English sports such as Cricket and snooker have been taken up in India.  There are different modes of transportation in India now such as railway lines.  If it weren’t for the British empire there would be none of these things!

8 Trains and Railway Lines  Railway lines were developed in India because of trade.  This made it much easier to transport goods from and to different places in India.

9 English Sports  Cricket: -Cricket was brought from England to India -This is why so many Indians play the sport today  Snooker: (like pool or billiards) -Snooker was developed whilst the English were in India -Many Indians also have taken up this sport today.

10 Good:  India gains new products  Gets more trading advantages  Britain help India push up economic growth  Britain helped India upgrade transportation such as train, shipping and etc  India learns English education  New sport games Bad:  Many Indians were treated as slaves  Indians were not allow to have meetings of protest  Created two different class of people – with the Indians as the lowest class of people in their own country.  Hindus and Muslims fight after British leave Was Britain taking over India a good thing for India?

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