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VIDEO COMPOSITION. Why do we care about composition? Keeps the viewers attention in the right place Provides continuity.

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Presentation on theme: "VIDEO COMPOSITION. Why do we care about composition? Keeps the viewers attention in the right place Provides continuity."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why do we care about composition? Keeps the viewers attention in the right place Provides continuity

3 Which follows the Rule of Thirds Better?

4 Rule of Thirds Been around for centuries Nicely balanced, easy on the eyes

5 Another Example

6 Composition Balance Balance with Size Balance with Color Balance with Subject Positioning

7 Balance with Size If a large object is on one side of the frame, try to balance with another object (smaller)

8 Balance with Color Warm ColorsCool Colors

9 Balance with Color Warm colors attract attention White has a similar effect Bright areas should be the focus of the viewers attention

10 Balance with Subject Positioning center is good balance, but kinda boring move subject left or right, picture becomes more unbalanced large, dark objects is more of a balance problem than small and light stuff. Also be concerned about vertical balance (up & down)

11 Camera Angles Shooting straight = no DEPTH Shooting at an angle = DEPTH More interesting to have DEPTH

12 Camera Angles Shooting Down on a subject = small, inferior, weak, unimportant Shooting Up on a subject = strong, powerful, important


14 Framing Is to choose exactly what you want in the frame. Avoids distractions Concentrates attention Leaving Stuff Out/Putting Stuff In Altering Composition

15 Framing People Rule #1 –NEVER CUT PEOPLE AT ANY BODY JOINT!!


17 Common Sense Framing Should suit the purpose of the scene Consider the gestures HEAD ROOM –Too much = empty space –Too little = top heavy

18 Frame Within a Frame Creating a frame of natural or man made objects within the frame Makes a scene more interesting

19 Frame Within a Frame

20 Leading Lines Another technique to add to composition Man made or natural lines

21 Backgrounds Watch out for distractions in the background Trees, Lightposts, street signs growing out of peoples heads!

22 Background Distractions: Avoid them!

23 People Spacing The distance between two people in the picture. Real Life = 3 to 4 feet TV = 1 to 2 feet Can be uncomfortable Necessary to block out distractions.

24 The Level of Action Get on the same level as the action for most shots unless you are trying to communicate something else Ex: when shooting children, be down at their level.

25 The Level of Action

26 Nose Room / Lead Room Space allotted in the front of the subject for movement. Subjects need space to move into.

27 Nose Room

28 Composition and Intestinal Fortitude (Guts) You must have the GUTS to create composition More to the camera than just point and shoot!

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