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The Promise of Prevention Linda Dusenbury, Ph.D. Tanglewood Research.

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2 The Promise of Prevention Linda Dusenbury, Ph.D. Tanglewood Research

3 I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “I’ve looked over and I’ve seen the promised land.”

4 Key Elements of Effective Programs Theoretically valid program content Comprehensive approaches Developmentally appropriate material Sensitivity to the culture and community Sufficient dosage and follow-up Use of interactive teaching techniques Well-trained implementers Continuing evaluation

5 Tanglewood Research Mission To develop products and services that help teachers, parents, and local service providers fulfill their vision of raising youth who: Are competent and self-sufficient Have healthy, happy, lasting relationships Make positive contributions to the community

6 Key Elements of Effective Programs Theoretically valid program content Comprehensive approaches Developmentally appropriate material Sensitivity to the culture and community Sufficient dosage and follow-up Use of interactive teaching techniques Well-trained implementers Continuing evaluation


8 Continuum of Programming All Stars, Jr. (4 th and 5 th Grades) All Stars Core & Plus (Middle School) All Stars, Sr. (High School) College Alc (College)

9 All Stars Core & Plus All Stars Core – Builds Motivation Builds Positive Norms Promotes Idealism Fosters Positive Commitments Increases Parental Attentiveness All Stars Plus – Promotes Competence Goal Setting Decision Making Resistance Skills Training

10 Effects of All Stars on Alcohol Use

11 Key Elements of Effective Programs Theoretically valid program content Comprehensive approaches Developmentally appropriate material Sensitivity to the culture and community Sufficient dosage and follow-up Use of interactive teaching techniques Well-trained implementers Continuing evaluation

12 Quality of Implementation Implement prevention programs as intended by program developers—completely and in the proper sequence—with “fidelity.” Make adaptations that enhance the effectiveness of the intervention.

13 Effects of Fidelity on Smoking Source: Botvin,G.J., Baker,E., Dusenbury,L., Botvin,E.M., Diaz,T. (1995). JAMA, 273, 1106-1112.

14 Baltimore Study 11 teachers Varying Degrees of Experience Life Skills Training Observation and Interview Data Dusenbury, L., Brannigan, R., Hansen, W.B., Walsh, J., & Falco, M. (under review). Quality of Implementation: Developing Measures Crucial to Understanding the Diffusion of Preventive Interventions.

15 Measures Adherence Quality of Process Quality of Adaptations Teachers’ Attitudes Teachers’ Understanding

16 Conclusions All teachers made adaptations. Experienced teachers were more likely to: Adhere to the curriculum Make positive adaptations Be interactive and engage students Communicate the goals and objectives of the program


18 In-service continuing education Pre-service education Prepare providers to teach a wide variety of research-based programs Cover basic prevention concepts, content, methods, and applications

19 Two Products: Online Course to teach concepts, methods, and guide application Video Training to demonstrate teaching skills


21 Key Elements of Effective Programs Theoretically valid program content Comprehensive approaches Developmentally appropriate material Sensitivity to the culture and community Sufficient dosage and follow-up Use of interactive teaching techniques Well-trained implementers Continuing evaluation


23 Evaluation tool for schools and community agencies Surveys for 48 SAMHSA Model Programs Tracks participants pretest to posttest Paper-and-pencil or online Automated online reports $6 per student

24 Reaching the Promised Land What can program developers do? Make programs engaging and fun Make programs simple to follow Make programs flexible Help providers make good adaptations Provide high quality staff development Ongoing technical support

25 Reaching the Promised Land What can communities do? Develop a long term, comprehensive plan Adopt research-based programs Provide high quality staff development Provide ongoing support Collaborate with program developers Maintain and institutionalize programs Conduct ongoing evaluation

26 “…only when it is dark enough, can you see the stars.” I’ve Been to the Mountaintop Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

27 Resources Email: Website: PowerPoint presentation download: Evaluation Lizard Website:

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