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By: Meredith Ross, Sean O’Donnell, and Shreyas Ravinshanker.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Meredith Ross, Sean O’Donnell, and Shreyas Ravinshanker."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Meredith Ross, Sean O’Donnell, and Shreyas Ravinshanker

2  Born in Norristown PA  February, first 1941  Parents- Louis Anthony Spinelli and Lorna Mae Biegler

3  Jerry went to Hartranft Elementary in Norristown  Jerry has a brother named Bill  Jerry wanted to become a baseball player

4  Originally, Jerry wanted to be come a baseball player  Jerry got an interest in writing in eleventh grade  Jerry wrote a poem about football

5  Went to Gettysburg College in Pittsburgh and John Hopkins University  Went to become a writer  Wrote for a magazine

6  Has 6 kids named Kevin, Jeff, Ben, Sean, Molly, and Barbra  Wifes name is Eileen  Has 15 grandchildren

7  His first published book is “Seventh Grade Space Station”  His first book was published in 1989  Jerry has written 24 books  Jerry started to write at Bootcamp

8  Manic Magee  Stargirl  Loser  Eggs  Wringler  Knots in my yo-yo String

9 Example of Book Eggs is about a boy name David and a girl named Primrose it’s the story about there differences and there friend ships

10 Example of Book  Stargirl is about a girl who is new and very different from the others, and falls in love with the main character, Leo

11 Example of Book  Love, Stargirl is an edition to Stargirl and is about Leo and Stargirls Troubles after she moves

12 Example of Book  Wringer is about a boy who does not want to become a wringer (person who shoots pidgins) in fact he even has a pidgin of his own

13 Example of Book Maniac Magee is about a boy whose parents die and his experiences in the east and west side of town

14  Newberry award for “Maniac Magee”  Newberry award for “Wringer”

15  Jerry got his writing ideas from his children  He normally works on the second floor of his house in the office  Jerry started to write when he was 16  Jerry started to write at bootcamp

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