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The birth of a hero :Perseus Harbor and River engineering 3B B92520109 蔡明宏 B92520143 柯文揚 指導老師:薛梅老師.

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Presentation on theme: "The birth of a hero :Perseus Harbor and River engineering 3B B92520109 蔡明宏 B92520143 柯文揚 指導老師:薛梅老師."— Presentation transcript:

1 The birth of a hero :Perseus Harbor and River engineering 3B B92520109 蔡明宏 B92520143 柯文揚 指導老師:薛梅老師

2 Perseus Perseus was son of Zeus and Danaë (Danae), daughter of Acrisius, king of Argos, and Eurydice.

3 Seriphos & Danae Abas,King of Argos. Proetus & Acrisius Zeus had sex with Danae.

4 The plan of Polydectes Dictys Polydectes fell in love with Danae Gorgon Medusa

5 The Gorgon Medusa Stheno Euryale

6 Help with Gods Athena Hermes Graeae nymphs

7 The death of Medusa

8 Andromeda released Syria Andromeda Cepheus Nereids & Poseidon Agenor

9 Return to Argos Polydectes Acrisius Larissa

10 Death and immortality Perseus is said to have being killed by Megapenthes, "on account of the death of his father", as someone puts it. Megapenthes is a son of Proetus by Stheneboea, that is, half-brother of Perseus. Perseus is also said to have been made immortal and placed among the stars.

11 References golis.html#Acrisius

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