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MIDDLE AGES. Feudal Times Video United Streaming: Feudal Times w/assetGuid/34FDD998-F34E-4AE7- BB94-E2DA4B05093B.

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2 Feudal Times Video United Streaming: Feudal Times w/assetGuid/34FDD998-F34E-4AE7- BB94-E2DA4B05093B


4 Why Castles? Castles were the strongholds in the Middle Ages. They were built to protect the lords and to resist enemy attacks. Most were built on tops of hills. A castle served as a home, fortress, prison, armory, treasure house, and center of local government.

5 Gates and tricks… Murder holes were designed for dropping hot boiling liquid or stones onto invaders

6 Other defenses… Spiral staircases Moats Arrow loops Dungeons

7 Castle Life Video Clip (3 minutes)

8 HYGIENE People in the Middle Ages were not obsessed with hygiene. Every now and then the castle was cleaned from top to bottom. Rats were everywhere!! Baths were difficult and only for the rich. King John of England took 1 bath a month. Toilets were rare and were just a hole that led to a moat or cesspit. A gong farmer had the privilege of cleaning the cesspits.

9 The Lord’s Tower There were several floors to the towers especially the king’s tower. Wardrobe Master Bedroom Solar Basement Used for the lady- she dressed here and had personal servants to assist her Decorated in riches from the world— was were the king slept & the lady slept on a trundle bed King’s private living room—used to retire after dinner for a game of chess Had a trapdoor from the solar for escape out of the castle—this room held weapons, coins, & treasures

10 Weapons Mace

11 Castle Life Video Clip (5 minutes)

12 Customs from the Middle Ages… Bridal Bouquet -After a yearly bath in May, brides started to smell by June, so they carried flowers to hide the odor. “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!” -The man of the house was the first to bathe, then the wife, and lastly the children. By the time the baby bathed, the water was just too dirty and was tossed. It’s raining cats and dogs! -Many serfs’ homes had thatched roofs. To get warm cats and bugs lived in the roof. When it rained, animals would slip off the roof.

13 Also, animal droppings would drop from the roof and mess up the bed, so…canopy beds were invented. Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot 9 days old! - Leftover food (stew) was kept from day to day, and more food was added daily. Bring Home the Bacon - When visitors came to your house you hung up was a sign of wealth. To be polite, you would cut some off and “chew the fat” with your friends.

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