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Explore a range of feelings and emotions experienced. York Floods Do we have a moral obligation to protect against floods? How are individualls and communities.

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Presentation on theme: "Explore a range of feelings and emotions experienced. York Floods Do we have a moral obligation to protect against floods? How are individualls and communities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Explore a range of feelings and emotions experienced. York Floods Do we have a moral obligation to protect against floods? How are individualls and communities affected? As a nation, should we be better prepared for floods?

2 Flood Defences Open the link below and read the news article. What are the main problems with the current flood defences? Why aren’t people happy with the money promised by the Government? BBC News

3 Turned Discussion… What feelings and emotions do you think would be experienced by the victims of flooding?

4 Do you think more money should be spent on flood defences, or do we spend enough as it is? Discuss the statement above, giving reasons for your answers.

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