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Good Morning/Afternoon! Please take a Jefferson Notes page from the side table and wait for “Movie Monday’s…(a day late)” Todays schedule –Movie Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Morning/Afternoon! Please take a Jefferson Notes page from the side table and wait for “Movie Monday’s…(a day late)” Todays schedule –Movie Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Morning/Afternoon! Please take a Jefferson Notes page from the side table and wait for “Movie Monday’s…(a day late)” Todays schedule –Movie Monday –Jefferson Notes –Jefferson vs Hamilton Reading –Territory map

2 President Thomas Jefferson

3 I. Election of 1800

4 A. Jefferson defeated Adams

5 I. Election of 1800 A. Jefferson defeated Adams B. Tied with VP candidate Aaron Burr

6 I. Election of 1800 A. Jefferson defeated Adams B. Tied with VP candidate Aaron Burr 1. House of Rep had to break the tie

7 I. Election of 1800 A. Jefferson defeated Adams B. Tied with VP candidate Aaron Burr 1. House of Rep had to break the tie 2. Jefferson selected by Hamilton on 35th ballot

8 II. Jefferson ’ s Goals

9 A. More democratic government

10 II. Jefferson ’ s Goals A. More democratic government B. Reduce national debt

11 II. Jefferson ’ s Goals A. More democratic government B. Reduce national debt C. Limit the role of the federal government

12 II. Jefferson ’ s Goals A. More democratic government B. Reduce national debt C. Limit the role of the federal government -- strict interpretation of Constitution

13 III. The Louisiana Purchase (1803)

14 A. France owned Louisiana Territory

15 III. The Louisiana Purchase (1803) A. France owned Louisiana Territory 1. 800,000 square miles

16 IV. The Louisiana Purchase (1803) A. France owned Louisiana Territory 1. 800,000 square miles 2. France controlled Mississippi River 3. Jefferson Offered $10m to buy New Orleans

17 B. Napoleon Bonaparte

18 1. Needed $$$ to pay for European wars

19 B. Napoleon Bonaparte 1. Needed $$$ to pay for European wars 2. Offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15M

20 B. Napoleon Bonaparte 1. Needed $$$ to pay for European wars 2. Offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15M C. Was the purchase constitutional?

21 B. Napoleon Bonaparte 1. Needed $$$ to pay for European wars 2. Offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15M C. Was the purchase constitutional? 1. Land purchases not mentioned in the Constitution

22 B. Napoleon Bonaparte 1. Needed $$$ to pay for European wars 2. Offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15M C. Was the purchase constitutional? 1. Land purchases not mentioned in the Constitution 2. Jefferson decided it was same as a treaty

23 B. Napoleon Bonaparte 1. Needed $$$ to pay for European wars 2. Offered to sell all of Louisiana for $15M C. Was the purchase constitutional? 1. No mention of land purchases in Constitution 2. Jefferson decided it was same as a treaty 3. Doubled the size of the U.S.

24 IV. Exploration

25 A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark

26 IV. Exploration A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1. Goal to explore and map a route to Pacific (1804)

27 IV. Exploration A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1. To explore and map a route to Pacific (1804) 2. Followed the Missouri River

28 IV. Exploration A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1. To explore and map a route to Pacific (1804) 2. Followed the Missouri River 3. Help from Sacajawea

29 IV. Exploration A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1. To explore and map a route to Pacific (1804) 2. Followed the Missouri River 3. Help from Sacajawea B. Zebulon Pike

30 IV. Exploration A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1. To explore and map a route to Pacific (1804) 2. Followed the Missouri River 3. Help from Sacajawea B. Zebulon Pike 1. Explored the southwest

31 IV. Exploration A. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark 1. To explore and map a route to Pacific (1804) 2. Followed the Missouri River 3. Help from Sacajawea B. Zebulon Pike 1. Explored the southwest 2. Journals/data taken by Spanish officials

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