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When to Choose Google Scholar For finding journal articles or abstracts by title through a range of academic publishers, preprint repositories and electronic.

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Presentation on theme: "When to Choose Google Scholar For finding journal articles or abstracts by title through a range of academic publishers, preprint repositories and electronic."— Presentation transcript:

1 When to Choose Google Scholar For finding journal articles or abstracts by title through a range of academic publishers, preprint repositories and electronic journals; When searching for materials and articles by subject across multiple disciplines; For discovering Open Worldcat books by keyword or subject; When locating academic conference papers online; For finding academic research materials for non-CSUN faculty and students; When locating citation information about a published work. Keep track of your publications and how they are cited; Gauge the influence and impact of scholarly articles and authors; Locate other authors/experts in a field of study through his/her works; Collaborate with other scholars in a subject specific field. Why Google Scholar “My Citations”?

2 2. Complete your profile, including your name, CSUN email address, and research interests. 3. Select your articles from the list Google generates. Try variants of your name (middle initial, full middle name, etc.) Who’s Cited You? 1. Go to Select My Citations and log into your Google account. 4. Choose how your profile will update and how public or private it is.

3 Search the web and subscription databases at the same time. 1. Select Scholar Preferences 2. Search CSUN in Library Links 3. Check CSU, Northridge - SFX Find It at CSUN 4. Save Preferences 5. Search 6. Select SFX Find it at CSUN 7. Select Full Text Available via… OR Request via ILL Coleen Martin | Kimberly Embleton | Laura Wimberley +

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