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By Bethel Makonnen. Habitat  Blue and yellow Macaws live in South America. Blue and yellow macaws live in these biomes, rainforest, subtropical, swamps,

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Presentation on theme: "By Bethel Makonnen. Habitat  Blue and yellow Macaws live in South America. Blue and yellow macaws live in these biomes, rainforest, subtropical, swamps,"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Bethel Makonnen

2 Habitat  Blue and yellow Macaws live in South America. Blue and yellow macaws live in these biomes, rainforest, subtropical, swamps, tropical rainforest, woodlands, non-flooded forests, and savannas. Blue and yellow macaws live 30-35 years (maximum) in the wild.

3 Diet  Blue and yellow macaws eat seeds, nuts, fruit, stems,and berries. Blue and yellow macaws are herbivores, frugivore, and granivore.

4 Physical Characteristics  Blue and yellow macaws are vivid in their appearance, they have butterscotch yellow on their belly, blue wings with yellow under it, golden parts, the naked face is white with small lined feathers, green top on their heads, and they have black beaks. Wing span: 104.14-to 114.3 cm. Range mass:900 to 1814 g. Range length: 81.28-91.44cm.

5 Scientific classifacation  Kingdom: Animalia  Phylum: Chordata  Class: Aves  Order: Psittaciformes  SuperFamliy: Psittacoidae  Family: Psittacidae  Subfamily: Arinae  Tribe: Arini  Genus: Ara  Species: A. Ararauna (a.k.a Ara Ararauna)

6 Cinquain Macaw Elegant, beautiful Soaring, eating, walking Vivid and brilliant colors Phenomenal

7 Fun facts  Blue and yellow macaws is considered a talking bird. There are often called blue and gold macaws. Blue and yellow macaws can mimic you in funnier way. Blue and yellow macaws are proven friendly and good pets to have. Blue and yellow macaws have close bonding to humans. Blue and yellow macaws are social birds. When a blue and yellow macaw gets excited its face turns pink.

8 Glossary Herbivore- an animal that eats plants. Frugivore - animal that eats fruits. Granivore- a seed or grain eater. Vivid- having intense bright colors

9 Cited works 

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