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February 21, 2005 Project Sun Interim Critique. February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Overview  Team and client introduction  Project description.

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1 February 21, 2005 Project Sun Interim Critique

2 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Overview  Team and client introduction  Project description  Target Users  Focus  Contextual Inquiries  Design Ideas  Lessons Learned

3 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Aditya Chand Design Lead Braden Kowitz Technical L ead Chirag Nangia Document & Web Lead Jessica Smith Project M anager/ Cli ent Liaison Jake Pierson Behavioral Lead Our Team Aditya Chand Design Lead Braden Kowitz Technical L ead Chirag Nangia Document & Web Lead Jessica Smith Project Manager/ C lient Liaison Jake Pierson Behavioral Lead

4 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Our Client  Sun Microsystems  Frank Ludolph UI expert Project Looking Glass lead  Hideya Kawahara Project Looking Glass visionary

5 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Our Project  File system to help with organization  Animation and 3D perception cues  Non-immersive desktop environment  Support searching, and recognition over recall  For new 3D apps and existing 2D apps  Standard I/O hardware

6 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique The User Problem  Our client suggested “everyone” That meant EVERYONE Way too broad  Needed user group to set focus Distinct Marketable Data rich

7 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique The User Solution Business/Office Users  Making personas to communicate to our client  Discussing them with client

8 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique The Focus Problem  "File system" focus was too broad  Affinity diagram had several major sections  Combining two different fields of study file system 3D

9 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique The Focus Solution  Brainstorm possible focus questions  Get ideas from literature review  Look for patterns in early CIs

10 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Lessons Learned  Use your judgment to make sure the scope is manageable  Modify CI method as needed Retro account Art walkthrough

11 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique CI overview  Lack of IRB cert restricted us to campus users  Needed users who organize different file types 2 designers 2 Newspaper production staff 1 general office worker (student records)

12 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Design CIs  Client suggested we look at designers Observed students designers Got more retrospective account then context File management in design work is illusive  What we learned: Preview breakdown Shared space organization issues One window for music – one for files Versioning is tough

13 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Newspaper CIs  Expected lots of file management Had an excellent system of doc management Again, more retrospective account then context  What we learned: Preview breakdown (again) Shared space organization issues (again) Versioning is easy if system is in place If not, file naming used for versioning and other things

14 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Office Worker CI  Physical file management Very rigid and organized work flow and sequences Experts and novices at work  What we learned: No preview problems No shared space organization issues Info organized by physical location and label search is not an issue

15 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique CI summary  Physical world vs. Computer files Differences reveal a lot  How to look at people using 3D? Gaming and 3D design? No!  Different focus for different CI subjects what do we want to learn about this person’s work Get the most out of a CI

16 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Design  We integrated this into regular meetings Helps to keep ides flowing while gathering data Discuss during regular talks with client  Literature review also drives ideas See what others have done to solve problems Competitive analysis

17 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Design problems  Organization takes a lot of cognitive load How can we reduce this?  Versioning is not built into file manager How can we design this in?  Meta-data is not normally used Exception is search How can we display this data? How can we collect it?

18 February 21, 2005 Sun Project: Interim Critique Design ideas  How to display meta-data Use animation size adds weight and deformation to file when dragging 3 rd dimension to display data attributes like time and relevance Other visual queues Files that are not opened for a while gather dust Old files yellow Frequently used files show wear

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